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Introduction of laboratory:

Qing-Dong- Ling picture

Qing-Dong- Ling,
Chief of Laboratory, and Director of Cathay Medical Research Institute, Cathay General Hospital;
Associate professor, Institute of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics, National Central University

Research Fields: Cell Biology in Stem Cells and Cancer, Systems Biology, Clinical Molecular Medicine, Molecular Neurobiology


Phone: (02)26907965 #2313 (Office)#2517 (Lab)

Fax: (02)26907963


Education and Research Experiences:Ph.D., Tokyo Dental College (1992-1996)、Visiting Fellow, National Institute of Health(NIH) (1997-1999)、Associate Postdoc, University of Vermont (1999-2000)、Postdoc Fellow, National Taiwan University (2000-2001)

Publications and Books(Link)


The primary work of cellular biology laboratory emphasized on observing and analyzing various kinds of cells including cancer cells, stem cells, and neurons in different physiologic or pathological conditions that involve intracellular gene regulation, expression and the change of molecular network system. In the past, we study newborn rat inflammation induced by pain stimulation and the associated changes in neural signal pathway of spinal cord and the related genetic changes. In the process of study, we construct high-through put laboratory technique and platform, and utilizing these techniques, we also developed many clinical diagnostic technique. Recently, we spent abundant resources primarily in connection with the study of system biology of cancer and stem cells, constructing the cultured technique of cancer cell and stem cell, especially in embryonic stem cell line of mouse and induced pluripotent stem human cell lines.
