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  1. Associations between gene expression of magnesium transporters and glucose metabolism in pregnancy. /鎂轉運體基因表達與妊娠期糖代謝的關係Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 121 (2022) 1231e1237. (SCI)
  2. Prenatal Bisphenol a Exposure, DNA Methylation, and Low Birth Weight: A Pilot Study in Taiwan. /產前雙酚 a 暴露、DNA 甲基化和低出生體重:台灣的研究。International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 7 June 2021, 18, 6144. (SCI)
  3. Evidence of high di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) exposure due to tainted food intake in Taiwanese pregnant women and the health effects on birth outcomes. /台灣孕婦因攝入受污染的食物而導致鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯 (DEHP) 高暴露的證據以及對出生結果的健康影響。Science of The Total Environment. Volume 618, 15 March 2018, 635–644. (SCI)
  4. Associations between urinary total arsenic levels, fetal development, and neonatal birth outcomes: A cohort study in Taiwan./ 尿液總砷濃度、胎兒發育和新生兒出生結局之間的關聯:台灣的隊列研究Science of the Total Environment. 612 (2018) 1373–1379. ( SCI )
  5. Imprinted NanoVelcro Microchips for Isolation and Characterization of Circulating Fetal Trophoblasts: Toward Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnostics /用於分離和表徵循環胎兒滋養細胞的印跡 NanoVelcro 微晶片:應用於將來之產前診斷 ACS Nano., 2017, Aug, 11 (8), pp 8167–8177 ( SCI)


  • Two-stage culture protocol for isolating mesenchym stem cells from amniotic fluid
    USA,專利號碼: 7,101,710
    專利期間: 2006.09-2026.09
