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  1. 著重於研究腫瘤之分子層面機制,發現腫瘤分子生物標記,建立腫瘤術後臨床化療及標靶治療適應性的核酸質譜儀分子檢測平台,實現基礎研究成果的臨床轉譯和應用。

  2. Morphometric measures of angiogenesis of colonic polyps and colorectal cancer.
  3. Analysis of EGFR - K-ras pathways through microarray conjunction with chemical genomics in colon cancer cell lines
  4. MassARRAY-based genotyping for colorectal cancer
  5. Construction of colorectal cancer-causing and metastatic networks for Taiwan patients by the integration of microarray data enhanced with a human protein-protein interaction map
  6. Genomics and epigenomics of colorectal cancer stem cells
  7. Development of cell-sorting dishes for depletion and purification of cancer stem cells
  8. Purification and differentiation of adult stem cells from adipose tissue on polymeric materials having nano-segments
  9. Application of MR-PET in colorectal cancer
  10. Age dynamic network of human phenotypes and disease prevalence
  11. Functional genomic studies and repurposed drug discovery for colorectal cancer
  12. Genomic types of cancer stem cells: epithelial-mesenchymal transition and proliferation
  13. Isolation of colon cancer cells and cancer stem cells from primary colon cancer tissue for establishing patient-specific cancer cell lines from tissues
  14. Characterization and differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells isolated from different sites of tissues by culture method on biomaterials having nano-segments
  15. Multi-layer systems biology study on colorectal cancer using disease network search for factors of colorectal cancer
  16. To unravel the role of oncogene CEP55 in colorectal cancer by using high throughput platform approach
  17. Colorectal cancer-gene expression microarray based study of functional genomics variation and search for and validation of system treatment repurposed drugs
  18. In vivo inhibiting mechanisms of Astragalus membranaceus on Human HCT116 Colorectal Cancer Cells angiogenesis and metastasis using systems biology approaches
  19. Seasonal disease and disease network analysis

