Chen YN, Shih CY, Guo SL, Liu CY, Shen MH, Chang SC, Ku WC, Huang CC, and Huang CJ* (2023) Potential prognostic and predictive value of UBE2N, IMPDH1, DYNC1LI1 and HRASLS2 in colorectal cancer stool specimens. Biomed Rep 18(3):22. (通訊作者)
Cheng CC, Chung CA, Chang CJ, Cheng YC, Huang CJ, Chien CC, and Lin HT (2022) Hydrostatic pressure facilitates calcium deposition and osteogenic gene expression in the osteoblastic differentiation of placenta-derived multipotent cells. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 61(2):270-276. (SCI)
Chang SC, Chiang HH, Liu CY, Li YJ, Lu CL, Lee YP, Huang CJ, and Lai CL (2022) Intestinal Mucosal Barrier Improvement with Prebiotics: Histological Evaluation of Longish Glucomannan Hydrolysates-Induced Innate T Lymphocyte Activities in Mice. Nutrients 14(11):2220. (SCI)
Chang CC, Kao WY, Liu CY, Su HH, Kan YA, Lin PY, Ku WC, Chang KW, Yang RN, and Huang CJ* (2022) Butyrate supplementation regulates expression of chromosome segregation 1‑like protein to reverse the genetic distortion caused by p53 mutations in colorectal cancer. Int J Oncol 60(6):64. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Wang VY, Liu TY, Fang TY, Chen YH, Huang CJ*, and Wang PC (2022) Clinical manifestations and genetic analysis of a family with neurofibromatosis type 2. Acta Otolaryngol 2022 142(1):36-42. (共同通訊作者) (SCI)
Huang CS, Tsai ML, Lu TP, Tu CC, Liu CY, Huang CJ, Ho YS, Tu SH, Chuang EY, Tseng LM, and Huang CC (2022) The extended concurrent genes signature for disease-free survival in breast cancer. J Formos Med Assoc 121(10):1945-1955. (SCI)
Huang CC, Liu CY, Huang CJ, Hsu YC, Lien HH, Wong JU, Tai FC, Ku WH, Hung CF, Lin JT, Huang CS, and Chiang HS (2022) Deciphering Genetic Alterations of Taiwanese Patients with Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma through Targeted Sequencing. Int J Mol Sci 23(3):1579. (SCI)
Lee YC, Liu CY, Lee CL, Zhang RH, Huang CJ, and Yen TL (2022) The Periodontopathic Pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Involves a Gut Inflammatory Response and Exacerbates Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Pathogens 11(1):84. (SCI)
Shen MH, Huang CJ, Ho TF, Liu CY, Shih YY, Huang CS, and Huang CC (2022) Colorectal cancer concurrent gene signature based on coherent patterns between genomic and transcriptional alterations. BMC Cancer 2022 22(1):590. (SCI)
Cheng YC, Huang CJ, Ku WC, Guo SL, Tien LT, Lee YJ, and Chien CC (2022) Downregulated Calcium-Binding Protein S100A16 and HSP27 in Placenta-Derived Multipotent Cells Induce Functional Astrocyte Differentiation. Stem Cell Rev Rep 2022 18(2):839-852. (SCI)
Chang CC, Liu CY, Su IC, Lee YJ, Yeh HJ, Chen WC, Yu CJ, Kao WY, Liu YC, and Huang CJ* (2022) Functional Plasmon-Activated Water Increases Akkermansia muciniphila Abundance in Gut Microbiota to Ameliorate Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Int J Mol Sci 23(19):11422. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Guo SL, Chin CH, Huang CJ, Chien CC, and Lee YJ (2022) Promotion of the Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells into Oligodendrocytes by Knockdown of Heat Shock Protein 27. Dev Neurosci 44(2):91-101. (SCI)
Wang YC, Ku WC, Liu CY, Cheng YC, Chien CC, Chang KW, and Huang CJ* (2021) Supplementation of Probiotic Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum Mediates Anticancer Effect on Bladder Urothelial Cells by Regulating Butyrate-Responsive Molecular Signatures. Diagnostics 11(12):2270. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Liu CY, Huang CS, Huang CC, Ku WC, Shih HY, and Huang CJ* (2021) Co-Occurrence of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer and Second Primary Malignancy: Correlation with Expression Profiles of Mismatch Repair Protein and Cell Cycle Regulators. Cancers (Basel) 13(21):5486. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Chen SK, Wang YC, Lin TY, Wu HJ, Huang CJ, and Ku WC (2021) G-Protein-coupled Estrogen Receptor 1 Agonist G-1 Perturbs Sunitinib Resistance-related Phosphoproteomic Signatures in Renal Cell Carcinoma. Cancer Genomics Proteomics 18(3):207-220. (SCI)
Huang CS, Liu CY, Lu TP, Huang CJ, Chiu JH, Chen YJ, Tseng LM, and Huang CC (2021) Targeted Sequencing of Taiwanese Breast Cancer with Risk Stratification by the Concurrent Genes Signature: A Feasibility Study. J Pers Med 11(7):613. (SCI)
Tsui KC, Yen TL, Huang CJ, and Hong KJ. (2021) Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG as dietary supplement improved survival from lipopolysaccharides-induced sepsis in mice. Food Sci Nutr 15 9(12):6786-6793. (SCI)
Chen YJ, Huang CS, Phan NN, Lu TP, Liu CY, Huang CJ, Chiu JH, Tseng LM, and Huang CC (2021) Molecular subtyping of breast cancer intrinsic taxonomy with oligonucleotide microarray and NanoString nCounter. Biosci Rep 41(8):BSR20211428. (SCI)
Huang CS, Lu TP, Liu CY, Huang CJ, Chiu JH, Chen YJ, Tseng LM, and Huang CC (2021) Residual risk stratification of Taiwanese breast cancers following curative therapies with the extended concurrent genes signature. Breast Cancer Res Treat 186(2):475. (SCI)
Guo JW, Cheng YP, Liu CY, Thong HY, Huang CJ, Lo Y, Wu CY, and Jee SH (2020) Salvianolic Acid B in Microemulsion Formulation Provided Sufficient Hydration for Dry Skin and Ameliorated the Severity of Imiquimod-Induced Psoriasis-Like Dermatitis in Mice. Pharmaceutics 12(5):457. (SCI)
Tsai HT, Huang CS, Tu CC, Liu CY, Huang CJ, Ho YS, Tu SH, Tseng LM, and Huang CC (2020) Multi-gene signature of microcalcification and risk prediction among Taiwanese breast cancer. Sci Rep10(1):18276. (SCI)
Weng CF, Huang CJ, Huang SH, Wu MH, Tseng AH, Sung YC, Lee Henry HC, and Ling TY (2020) New international association for the study of lung cancer (IASLC) pathology committee grading system for the prognostic outcome of advanced lung adenocarcinoma. Cancers 12:3426. (SCI)
Weng CF, Huang CJ, Wu MH, Lee Henry HC, and Ling TY (2020) Co-expression of coxsackievirus/adenovirus receptors and desmoglein 2 in lung adenocarcinoma: a comprehensive analysis of bioinformatics and tissue microarrays. J Clin Med 9, 3693. (SCI)
Chang SC, Shen MH, Liu CY, Pu CM, Hu JM, and Huang CJ* (2020) A gut butyrate-producing bacterium Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum regulates short-chain fatty acid transporter and receptor to reduce the progression of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-associated colorectal cancer. Oncol Lett20(6):327. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Chang CC, Chao KC, Huang CJ, Hung CS, Wang YC (2020) Correlation of aberrant DYNC1LI1 in colorectal cancer with mucins and chemosensitivity. Mol Med Rep 22(1):185-192. (SCI)
Wu JT, Lin CL, Huang CJ, Cheng YC, Chien CC, and Sung YC (2020) Potential of sorafenib and CP-31398 with synergistic effects for treating anaplastic thyroid cancer with p53 mutation. Oncol Lett 19(4):3021-3026. (SCI)
Huang CC, Shen MH, Chen SK, Yang SH, Liu CY, Guo JW, Chang KW, and Huang CJ* (2020) Gut butyrate-producing organisms correlate to Placenta Specific 8 protein: importance to colorectal cancer progression. J Adv Res 22: 7–20. (通訊作者) (SCI).
Hung CS, Wang YC, Guo JW, Yang RN, Lee CL, Shen MH, Huang CC, Huang CJ, Yang JY, and Liu CY (2020) Expression pattern of placenta-specific 8 and keratin 20 in different types of gastrointestinal cancer. Mol Med Rep 21: 659-666. (SCI)
Lin HT, Chen SK, Guo JW, Su IC, Huang CJ, Chien CC, and Chang CJ (2019) Dynamic expression of SMAD3 is critical in osteoblast differentiation of PDMCs. Int J Mol Med 43(2):1085-1093. (SCI)
Huang CJ, Wan TK, Fang TY, and Wang PC (2019) CASP9 genotype confers gentamicin susceptibility in intratympanic treatment of intractable vertigo caused by Ménière's disease. Acta Otolaryngol 139(4): 336-339. (SCI)
Huang SY, Chien CC, Hseu RS, Huang VYJ, Chiang SY, Huang CJ, Chen SK, Tsai RY, Lin HT, and Cheng YC (2018) Ganoderma microsporum immunomodulatory protein induces apoptosis and potentiates mitomycin C-induced apoptosis in urinary bladder urothelial carcinoma cells. J Cell Biochem 119(6):4592-4606. (SCI)
Huang CJ, Lee FK, Chen SK, Chien CC, Wu ST, and Wang YC (2018) Clinical significance of interleukin-6 and inducible nitric oxide synthase in ketamine-induced cystitis. Int J Mol Med 41: 836-844. (SCI)
Chien CC, Huang CJ, Tien LT, Cheng YC, Ke CY, Lee YJ (2017) Suppression of HSP27 Restores Retinal Function and Protects Photoreceptors From Apoptosis in a Light-Induced Retinal Degeneration Animal Model. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 58(7):3107-3117. (SCI)
Huang CJ, Lee CL, Liu CY, Huang SH, Hou JW, Chen YH, Chien CC, Ho CM, Lo WC, Hung KL. (2017) Detection of lower levels of SNAP25 using multiple microarray systems and its functional significance in medulloblastoma. Int J Mol Med 39(5):1195. (SCI)
Huang CJ, Huang SH, Chien CC, Lee HC, Yang SH, Chang CC, and Lee CL (2016) Impact of microsatellite status on chemotherapy for colorectal cancer patients with mutation of KRAS or BRAF. Oncol Lett 12:4427. (SCI)
Huang CJ, Jiang JK, Chang SC, Lin JK, and Yang SH (2016). Serum CA125 concentration as a predictor of peritoneal dissemination of colorectal cancer in men and women. Medicine (Baltimore), 95(47):e5177. (SCI)
Lee CL, Huang CJ, Yang SH, Chang CC, Huang CC, Chien CC, and Yang RN (2016) Discovery of genes from feces correlated with colorectal cancer progression. Oncol Lett 12(5):3378-3384. (SCI)
Wu ST, Ku WC, Huang CJ, Wang YC, Lin CM, and Chen SK (2016) Cellular effects induced by 17--estradiol to reduce the survival of renal cell carcinoma cells. J Biomed Sci 23(1):67. (SCI)
Cheng YC, Huang CJ, Lee YJ, Tien LT, Ku WC, Chien R, Lee FK, Chien CC (2016) Knocking down of heat-shock protein 27 directs differentiation of functional glutamatergic neurons from placenta-derived multipotent cells. Sci Rep 6:30314. (共同第一作者) (SCI)
Huang CJ, Lee CL, Yang SH, Chien CC, Huang CC, Yang RN, and Chang CC (2016) Upregulation of the growth arrest-specific-2 in recurrent colorectal cancers, and its susceptibility to chemotherapy in a model cell system. Biochim Biophys Acta 1862(7):1345-53. (SCI)
Chang CC, Huang CC, Yang SH, Chien CC, Lee CL, Huang CJ* (2016) Data on clinical significance of GAS2 in colorectal cancer cells. Data Brief 8:82-6. (通訊作者)
Chen KC, Lin CM, Huang CJ, Chen SK, Wu ST, Chiang HS, Ku WC (2016) Dual Roles of 17-β Estradiol in Estrogen Receptor-dependent Growth Inhibition in Renal Cell Carcinoma. Cancer Genomics Proteomics 13(3):219-230. (SCI)
Yeh CC, Sun HL, Huang CJ, Wong CS, Cherng CH, Huh BK, Wang JS, and Chien CC (2015) Long-Term Anti-Allodynic Effect of Immediate Pulsed Radiofrequency Modulation through Down-Regulation of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 2 in a Neuropathic Pain Model. Int J Mol Sci 16(11): 27156-70. (SCI)
Yeh CC, Wu ZF, Chen JC, Wong CS, Huang CJ, Wang JS, and Chien CC (2015) Association between extracellular signal-regulated kinase expression and the anti-allodynic effect in rats with spared nerve injury by applying immediate pulsed radiofrequency. BMC Anesthesiol 15: 92. (SCI)
Chen SK, Chung CA, Cheng YC, Huang CJ, Ruaan RC, Chen WY, Li C, Tsao CW, Hu WW, Chien CC (2014) Hydrostatic pressure enhances mitomycin C induced apoptosis in urothelial carcinoma cells. Urol Oncol 32(1):26.e17-24. (SCI)
Chen SK, Chung CA, Cheng YC, Huang CJ, Chen WY, Ruaan RC, Li C, Tsao CW, Hu WW, and Chien CC (2014) Toll-like Receptor 6 and Connective Tissue Growth Factor are significantly upregulated in mitomycin-C treated urothelial carcinoma cells under hydrostatic pressure stimulation. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers 18(6):410-6. (SCI)
Huang CJ, Teng HW, Chien CC, Lin JK, and Yang SH (2013) Prognostic Significance of C-reactive Protein Polymorphism and KRAS/BRAF in Synchronous Liver Metastasis from Colorectal Cancer. PLoS One 8(6):e65117. (SCI)
Huang CJ, Yang SH, Lee CL, Cheng YC, Tai SY, and Chien CC (2013) Ribosomal Protein S27-Like in Colorectal Cancer: a Candidate for Predicting Prognoses. PLoS One 8(6):e67043. (SCI)
Huang CJ, Liao HT, Yeh GC, and Hung KL (2012) Distribution of HLA-DQB1 alleles in patients with Kleine-Levin syndrome. J Clin Neurosci 19(4):628-30. (SCI)
Chien CC, Tu TC, Huang CJ, Yang SH, and Lee CL (2012) Lowly-expressed ribosomal protein S19 in the feces of patients with colorectal cancer. ISRN Gastroenterol 2012:394545.
Lo WO, Chen KC, Chen SK, Huang CJ, Wang YC, Chien CC, Lin CM (2012) Gender difference in renal cell carcinoma and potential clinical applications. Clin Mol Med 3(2):4-6.
Huang CJ, Yang SH, Huang SM, Lin CM, Chien CC, Chen YC, Lee CL, Wu HH, and Chang CC (2011) A predicted protein, KIAA0247, is a cell cycle modulator in colorectal cancer cells under 5-FU treatment. J Transl Med 9: 82. (SCI)
Yang SH, Huang CJ, Chang SC, and Lin JK (2011) Association of C-reactive protein gene polymorphisms and colorectal cancer. Ann Surg Oncol 18(7):1907-15. (SCI)
Huang CJ, Wang YC, Tai SY, and Lin CM (2011) Reduced proliferation of ACHN cells, a renal cell carcinoma cell line, through combined treatments of paclitaxel. Fu-Jen J Med 9(4):189-196.
Yang RN, Yang SH, Chang CC, Chien CC, Pan S, and Huang CJ* (2010) Upregulation of fecal cytokeratin 19 is associated with prognosis in older colorectal cancer patients. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers 14(5): 1-6. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Tien LT, Chien CC, Yang SH, Lin CM, Wu YY, and Huang CJ* (2010) p53-Dependent Expression of Ribosomal Protein S27-Like in Colorectal Cancer. Fu-Jen J Med8(1): 11-19. (通訊作者)
Yang SH, Huang CJ, Lee, CL, Liu CC, Chien CC, and Chen SH (2010) Fecal RNA Detection of Cytokeratin 19 and Ribosomal Protein L19 for Colorectal Cancer. Hepatogastroenterology 57:1-6. (SCI)
Chang CC, Yang SH, Chien CC, Chen SH, Pan S, Lee, CL, Lin CM, Sun HL, Huang CC, Wu YY, Yang RN, and Huang CJ* (2009) Clinical Meaning of Age-Related Expression of Fecal Cytokeratin 19 in Colorectal Malignancy. BMC Cancer 9:376-383. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Yang C, Huang CH, Cheong ML, Hung KL, Lin LH, Yu YS, Chien CC, Huang HC, Chen CW, and Huang CJ* (2009). BMC Med Genet 10:16-23. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Huang JS, Lin CM, Cheng YC, Hung KL, Chien CC, Chen SK, Chang CJ, Chen CW, and Huang CJ* (2009) A vitronectin M381T polymorphism increases risk of hemangioblastoma in patients with VHL gene defect. J Mol Med (Berl) 87(6):613-622. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Ho CM, Lin MC, Huang SH, Huang CJ, Lai HC, Chien TY, and Chang SF (2009) PTEN promoter methylation and LOH of 10q22-23 locus in PTEN expression of ovarian clear cell adenocarcinomas. Gynecol Oncol 112(2):307-313. (SCI)
Chang CC, Chien CC, Yang SH, Chen SH, and Huang CJ* (2008) Identification and clinical correlation of decreased expression of cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain 1 in patients with colorectal cancer. Clin Mol Med 1(1): 6-10. (通訊作者)
Huang CJ, Chien CC, Yang SH, Chang CC, Sun HL, Cheng YC, Liu CC, Lin SC, and Lin CM (2008) Fecal ribosomal protein L19 is a genetic prognostic factor for survival in colorectal cancer. J Cell Mol Med12(5B): 1936-1943. (SCI)
Shiu YC, Lin JK, Huang CJ, Jiang JK, Wang LW, Huang HC, and Yang SH. (2008) Is C-reactive protein a prognostic factor of colorectal cancer? Dis Colon Rectum 51(4): 443-449. (SCI)
Chang YL, Huang CJ, Chan JY, Liu PY, Chang HP, and Huang SM (2007) Regulation of nuclear receptor and coactivator functions by the carboxyl terminus of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 9. Int J Biochem Cell Biol39(5): 1035-1046. (SCI) (共同第一作者)
Wu MH, Huang CJ, Liu ST, Liu PY, Ho CL, and Huang SM (2007) Physical and functional interactions of human papillomavirus E2 protein with nuclear receptor coactivators. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 56(3): 523-528. (SCI) (共同第一作者)
Huang JS, Huang CJ, Chen SK, Chien CC, Chen CW, and Lin CM (2007) Associations between VHL genotype and clinical phenotype in familial von Hippel-Lindau disease. Eur J Clin Invest 37(6):492-500. (SCI) (共同第一作者)
Chien CC, Chen SH, Liu CC, Lee CL, Yang RN, Yang SH, and Huang CJ* (2007) Correlation of K-ras codon 12 mutations in human feces and ages of patients with colorectal cancer. Transl Res 149(2): 96-102. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Chien CC, Chang CC, Yang SH, Chen SH, and Huang CJ* (2006) A homologue of the Drosophila headcase protein, HECA, is a novel tumor marker for early-stage colorectal cancer. Oncol Rep 15: 919-926. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Yang SH, Lin JK, Huang CJ, Chen WS, Li SY, and Chiu JH (2005) Silibinin inhibits angiogenesis via Flt-1, but not KDR, receptor up-regulation. J Surg Res 128(1): 140-146. (SCI)
Yang SH, Chien CC, Chen CW, Li SY, and Huang CJ* (2005) Potential of faecal RNA in diagnosing colorectal cancer.Cancer Lett 226(1): 55-63. (通訊作者) (SCI)
Shen PW, Tan CA, Lin HT, Cheng CW, Chen SC, and Huang CJ* (2004) Type II collagen codon 238 polymorphism in patients with Familial Avascular Necrosis of the femoral head: a pilot study. Fu-Jen J Med2(4): 177-182. (通訊作者)
Huang CJ, Jeng JY, Lee CL, Wu CH, Chen CW, and Chien CC (2004) An efficient sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) detects adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) protein from human stool. Fu-Jen J Med 2(3): 225-230.
Huang SM, Huang CJ, Wang WM, Kang JC, and Hsu WC (2004) The enhancement of nuclear receptor transcriptional activation by a mouse actin-binding protein, alpha actinin 2. J Mol Endocrinol 32: 481-496. (SCI)