Ho CM, Yen TL, Chien TY, Huang SH Distinct promotor methylation at tumor suppressive genes in ovarian cancer stromal progenitor cells and ovarian cancer and its clinical implication Am J Cancer Res 2022;12(11):5325-5341
Ho CM, Lee FK, Yen TL, Huang SH, Cheng WF Everolimus Combined with 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine Generated Potent Anti-tumor Effects on Ovarian Clear Cell Cancer Stem-like/spheroid Cells by Inhibiting the COL6A3-AKT-mTOR Pathway Am J Cancer Res 2022;15;12(4):1686-1706
Ho CM, Chang TH, Yen TL, Hong KJ, Huang SH Collagen type VI regulates the CDK4/6-p-Rb signaling pathway and promotes ovarian cancer invasiveness, stemness, and metastasis American Journal of Cancer Research 2021;11(3):668-690
Ho CM, Lee FK, Huang SH, Cheng WF Everolimus following 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine is a promising therapy in paclitaxel-resistant clear cell carcinoma of the ovary. Am J Cancer Res. 2018 Jan 1;8(1):56-69
Ho CM, Shih DT, Hsiao CC, Huang SH, Chang SF, Cheng WF. Gene methylation of human ovarian carcinoma stromal progenitor cells promotes tumorigenesis J Transl Med 2015 Nov;13:367
Ho CM, Huang CJ, Huang SH, Chang SF, Cheng WF Demethylation of HIN-1 reverses paclitaxel-resistance of ovarian clear cell carcinoma through the AKT-mTOR signaling pathway. BMC Cancer. 2015 Oct 15:789
Ho CM, Pan KU, Chen YY, Huang CY, Chen YL, Chang SF Clinical performance of multiplex high-risk E6 mRNA expression in comparison with HPV DNA subtypes for the identification of women at risk of cervical cancer Journal of Medical Virology 2015 Aug;87(8):1404-12 (IF=2.217; R/C=21/33 63.6%, VIROLOGY)
TC Chen, HJ Huang, TY Wang, LY Yang, CH Chen, YM Cheng, WH Liou, ST Hsu, KC Wen, YC Ou, YC Hung, HC Lai, CM Ho, TC Chang Primary surgery versus primary radiation therapy for FIGO stage I-II small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix: A retrospective Taiwanese Gynecologic Oncology Group Study Gynecol Oncol 2015 Mar 20 [Epub ahead of print] (IF=3.687; R/C=7/78 9.0%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Chen CA, Lin H, Weng CS, Wen KC, Lu CH, Chou HH, Huang YF, Kang CY, Ho CM, Yu MH, Chou CY Outcome of 3-day bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin chemotherapeutic regimen for patients with malignant ovarian germ cell tumours: A Taiwanese Gynecologic Oncology Group study. Eur J Cancer 50(18):3161-3167. (IF=4.819; R/C=41/203 20.2%, ONCOLOGY)
Hsu KF, Chou HH, Huang CY, Fu HC, Chiang AJ , Tsai HW, Chen JR, Cheng WF, Ke YM, Chang CC, Chen TH, Lin SH, Ho CM*. Prognostic factors and treatment outcomes for patients with surgically staged uterine clear cell carcinoma focusing on the early stage: A Taiwanese Gynecologic Oncology Group study. Gynecol Oncol. 2014 Sep;134(3):516-22. (IF=3.687; R/C=7/78 9.0%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Huang CY, Ho CM, Chen YL, You SL, Chen CA, Cheng WF. Impact of lymphadenectomy in uterine endometrioid carcinoma. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2013 Apr;39(4):350-7. (IF=2.892; R/C=32/204 15.7%, SURGERY)
Shih IeM, Ho CM, Nakayama K, Salani R. Pathogenesis and new therapeutic targets of ovarian cancer J Oncol. 2012;2012:867512
Ho CM, Huang CJ, Huang CY, Wu YY, Chang SF, Cheng WF. Promoter Methylation status of HIN-1 associated with outcomes of ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma. Mol Cancer. 2012 Aug 8;11(1):53. (IF=5.397; R/C=29/203 14.3%, ONCOLOGY)
Chang MC, Chiang YC, Ho CM, Chen YL, Chen CA, Cheng WF, Chou CY. New primers for methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction enhance specificity of detecting STAT1 methylation. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Mar;51(1):43-9. (IF=1.261; R/C=57/78 73.1%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Ho CM, Chang SF, Hsiao CC, Chien TY, Shih DT. Isolation and characterization of stromal progenitor cells from ascites of patients with epithelial ovarian adenocarcinoma. J Biomed Sci. 2012 Feb 14;19:23.(IF=2.736; R/C=49/124 39.5%, MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL)
Chiang YC, Qiu JT, Chang CL, Wang PH, Ho CM, Lin WC, Huang YF, Lin H, Lu CH, Chou CY. Brain metastases from epithelial ovarian carcinoma: evaluation of prognosis and managements - A Taiwanese Gynecologic Oncology Group (TGOG) study. Gynecol Oncol. 2012 Apr;125(1):37-41 (IF=3.687; R/C=7/78 9.0%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Cheng CC, Ho CM, Liu CY. Atypical lipomatous tumors of the vulva. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Sep;50(3):379-80(IF=1.261; R/C=57/78 73.1%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Chen YL, Huang CY, Chien TY, Huang SH, Wu CJ, Ho CM*. Value of pre-operative serum CA125 level for prediction of prognosis in patients with endometrial cancer. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2011 Oct; 51(5): 397-402 (IF=1.620; R/C=46/78 59.0%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Ho CM, Lee BH, Chang SF, Chien TY, Huang SH, Yan CC, Cheng WF. Integration of human papillomavirus correlates with high levels of viral oncogene transcripts in cervical carcinogenesis. Virus Res. 2011 Nov;161(2):124-30. (IF=2.827; R/C=18/33 54.5%, VIROLOGY)
Chu TY, Hsiung CA, Chen CA, Chou HH, Ho CM, Chien TY, Chang HJ, Chou CY, Liou JD, Kan YY, Hsieh CY Post-coital vaginal douching is risky for non-regression of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion of the cervix. Gynecol Oncol. 2011 Mar;120(3):449-53. (IF=3.687; R/C=7/78 9.0%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Chen YL, Ho CM, Chen CA, Chiang YC, Huang CY, Hsieh CY, Cheng WF Impact of various treatment modalities on the outcome of stage IB1-IIA cervical adenocarcinoma. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2011 Feb;112(2):135-9 (IF=1.563; R/C=50/78 64.1%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Ho CM, Cheng WF, Lin MC, Chen TC, Huang SH, Liu FS, Chang Chien CC, Yu MH, Wang TY, Hsieh CY Prognostic and Predictive Values of E-Cadherin for Patients of Ovarian Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2010;20:1490-7. (IF=1.949; R/C=33/78, OBSTETRICS&GYNECOLOGY)
Ho CM, Lai HC, Huang SH, Chien TY, Lin MC, Chang SF Promoter methylation of sFRP5 in patients with ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 2010 Apr;40(4):310-8. (IF=2.834; R/C=27/156 17.3%, MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)
Chen CA, Ho CM, Chang MC, Sun WZ, Chen YL, Chiang YC, Syu, MH, Hsieh, CY, Cheng WF Metronomic chemotherapy enhances anti-tumor effects of cancer vaccine by depleting regulatory T lymphocytes and inhibiting angiogenesis Molecular Therapy 2010 Jun;18(6):1233-43. (IF=6.425; R/C=13/165 7.9%, BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY)
Tsai TY, Chen SY, Tsai MH, Su YL, Ho CM, Su HF. Prevalence and associated factors of sexual dysfunction in cervical cancer patients J Sex Med. 2011 Jun;8(6):1789-96. (IF=3.150; R/C=16/77 20.8%,UROLOGY & NEPHROLOGY)
Ho CM, Lee BH; Chang SF, Chien TY, Huang SH Yan CC, Cheng WF Clinical significance of signal pattern of high-risk human papillomavirus using a novel fluorescence In situ hybridization assay in cervical cytology Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2011 Mar;17(3):386-94. (IF:5.197; R/C=7/72 9.7%, INFECTIOUS DISEASES)
Ho CM, Lin MC, Huang SH, Huang CJ, Lai HC, Chien TY, Chang SF. PTEN promoter methylation and LOH of 10q22-23 locus in PTEN expresion of ovarian clear cell adenocarcinomas. Gynecol Oncol 2009;112:307-313. (IF=3.687; R/C=7/78 9.0%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Ho CM, Lee BH, Chang SF, Chien TY, Huang SH, Yan CC, Cheng WF. Type-specific human papillomavirus oncogene messenger RNA levels correlate with the severity of cervical neoplasia. Int J Cancer. 2010 Aug;127(3):622-32. (IF=5.007; R/C=34/203 16.7%, ONCOLOGY)
Lin CY, Chao A, Yang YC, Chou HH, Ho CM, Lin RW, Chang TC, Chiou JY, Chao FY, Wang KL, Chien TY, Hsueh S, Huang CC, Chen CJ and Lai CH Human papillomavirus typing with a polymerase chain reaction-based genotyping array compared with type-specific PCR J Clin Virol. 2008;42:361-7. (IF=3.466; R/C=10/33 30.3%, VIROLOGY)
Ho CM, Cheng WF, Chu TY, Chen CA, Chuang MH, Chang SF, Hsieh CY Human papillomaviral load changes in low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions of the uterine cervix. Br J Cancer 2006; 95:1384-9. (IF=4.817; R/C=42/203 20.7%, ONCOLOGY)
Chen CA, Liu CY, Chou HH, Chou CY, Ho CM, Twu NF, Kan YY, Chuang MH, Chu TY, Hsieh CY; Taiwan Cooperative Group The distribution and differential risks of human papillomavirus genotypes in cervical preinvasive lesions: A Taiwan Cooperative Oncologic Group Study. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2006; 16:1801-8. (IF=1.949; R/C=33/78, OBSTETRICS&GYNECOLOGY)
Ho CM, Chien TY, Huang SH, Lee BH, Chang SF. Integrated human papillomavirus type 52 and 58 is infrequently found in cervical cancer and high viral loads predict risk of cervical cancer. Gynecol Oncol 2006;102:54-60. (IF=3.687; R/C=7/78 9.0%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Jeng CJ, Phdl, Ko ML, Ling QD, Shen J, Lin HW, Tzeng CR, Ho CM, Chien TY, Chen SC Prevalence of cervical human papillomavirus in Taiwanese women. Clin Invest Med.2005;28:261-6. (IF=0.971; R/C=99/124 79.8%,MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL
Sun CA, Hsiung CA, Lai CH, Chen CA, Chou CY, Ho CM, Twu NF, Feng WL, Chuang MH, Hsieh CY, Chu TY. Epidemiologic correlates of cervical human papillomavirus prevalence in women with abnormal pap smear tests: A Taiwan Cooperative Oncology Group (TCOG) study. Journal of Medical Virology 77; 273-81, 2005. (IF=2.217; R/C=21/33 63.6%, VIROLOGY)
Ho CM, Yang SS, Chien TY, Huang SH, Jeng CJ, Chang SF.Detection and quantitation of human papillomavirus type 16, 18 and 52 DNA in the peripheral blood of cervical cancer patients. Gynecol Oncol 2005;99:615-21. (IF=3.687; R/C=7/78 9.0%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Ho CM, Huang YJ, Chen TC, Huang SH, Liu FS, Chang Chien CC, Yu MH, Mao
TL, Wang TY, Hsieh CY. Pure type clear cell carcinoma of the ovary as a distinct histological type and improved survival in patients treated with paclitaxel and platinum-based chemotherapy in pure type advanced. Gynecol Oncol.2004; 94;197-203. (IF=3.687; R/C=7/78 9.0%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Ho CM, Chien TY, Huang SH, Wu CJ, Shih BY, and Chang SC. Multivariate analysis of the prognostic factors and outcomes in early cervical cancer patients undergoing radical hysterectomy . Gynecologic Oncology.2004;93;458-649. (IF=3.687; R/C=7/78 9.0%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Ho CM, Chien TY, Shih BY, Huang SH. Evaluation of complete surgical staging with pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenectomy and paclitaxel plus carboplatin chemotherapy for improvement of survival in stage I ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Gynecologic Oncology. 2003;88:394-9 (IF=3.687; R/C=7/78 9.0%, OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY)
Leu SH, Ho CM*, Huang SH, Shih BY, Le FK. Cloacogenic Adenocarcinoma of the Vulva Presenting as Recurrent Bartholin Gland Infection: A Case Report. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association.2003;102: 49-51 (IF=1.695; R/C=57/156 36.5%, MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL)
HL Sun, CM Ho* Tramadol /Acetaminophen Fixed-Dose Combination (Ultracet) Tablet is Effective as Fantanyl Transdermal System for Gynecologic Cancer Pain The Chinese Journal of Pain 2014;24(1)
Y Y Huang, CM Ho*Sexual dysfunction focusing on sexual pain disorder in cervical cancer patients after treatment-A review article The Chinese Journal of Pain 2014;24(1)
Y Y Huang, CM Ho* Bevacizumab combination with chemotherapy for recurrent ovarian and peritoneal cancer: Experience of 27 patients in one Taiwan medical center FJJM 2015 Acceptd
Tsai TY, Chen SY, Tsai MH, Ho CM, Su YL. Factors related to sexual dysfunction in patients with cervical cancer. Hu Li Za Zhi. 2009;56:37-46.
Ho CM The impact of subtype distribution, viral loads disparity and physical status of human papillomavirus on the carcinogenesis of cervical cancer in Taiwanese women (Ph.D. Dissertation, 2008)