跳到主要內容區塊 :::







  • 肺部: 肺癌、良性肺部腫瘤、肺結節、肺氣腫等
  • 食道: 食道癌、食道憩室、食道狹窄、食道弛緩不能、食道灼傷等
  • 氣管: 氣管腫瘤、狹窄、軟化、結核以及支氣管擴張症等
  • 縱膈腔:胸腺瘤、重症肌無力、畸形瘤、神經瘤以及其他縱膈腔腫瘤等
  • 橫膈:橫膈膜疝氣、胃食道逆流、橫膈膜缺損等
  • 肋膜:自發性氣胸、膿胸、乳糜胸、纖維胸、肋膜積水、肋膜間皮瘤等。
  • 胸壁:胸壁軟骨瘤、肉瘤、先天性畸形(漏斗胸、雞胸)、以及因車禍、意外造成的骨折及外傷等


  • 單孔胸腔鏡微創手術
  • 達文西機器手臂胸腔微創手術
  • 胸腔腫瘤冷凍消融術
  • 肋骨骨折微創手術


  • 胸腔惡性腫瘤之早期發現,胸腔鏡根治性切除手術之推廣
  • 利用複合式手術室及螢光染色技術,術中精準定位肺腫瘤
  • 發展肺部腫瘤消融技術,減少肺葉切除之傷害
  • 針對多發性肺癌及肺部腫瘤之病患,提供客製化治療方案,以最少的傷害達到最好的治療效果。

The Department of Chest Surgery is comprised of a team of highly qualified professionals who specialize in surgical treatment for a wide range of chest diseases. We understand the challenges and distress that come with such conditions, which is why we are dedicated to providing the best possible care to help our patients overcome their health issues and return to a normal, healthy life.

Our team provides surgical treatment for various conditions such as lung cancer, esophageal cancer, thymoma, myasthenia gravis , thoracic benign tumors, and more. Our team provides personalized care that is tailored to our patients' unique needs and circumstances. To ensure the success of any treatment, we believe in the importance of early diagnosis. That is why we use state-of-the-art technology and equipment to quickly and accurately diagnose our patients' conditions. Our use of the latest surgical techniques and technologies, such as video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) , DaVinci operation and cryoablation, allows us to provide our patients with more individualized and comprehensive treatment plans.
