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- Yang SS, Huang MJ, Wu CH, et al. Variation of Bilirubin UDP- Glucuronosyl- transferase gene in indirect hyperbilirubinemia: a preliminary report. Proceedings to the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Gastroenterological Society, 2000, p14.
- Yang SS, Wu CH, Chen DF, et al. Reduced serum zinc levels in sub-clinical porto- systemic encephalopathy defined by somatosensory evoked potentials. Proceedings to the 2000 Autumn Convention and 12th International Symposium of Taiwan Gastroenterological Society, 2000, p. 41.
- Lai YC, Wu CH, Lee CL, Chen TK, Yang SS. Degree of deformity of duodenal bulb and the density of Helicobacter pylori in stomach in patients of active duodenal ulcer. Proceedings to the 2000 Autumn Convention and 12th International Symposium of Taiwan Gastroenterological Society, 2000, p. 31.
- Yang SS, Wu CH, Chen DF, Chen DS. The role of zinc on sub-clinical portosystemic encephalopathy. Proceedings to the 6th Congress of the Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Society of Asia (PENSA), Taipei, 2000, p. 38.
- Yang SS, Wu CH, Huang YY, et al. TT viral infection through blood transfusion: retrospective investigation on patients in a prospective study of post-transfusion hepatitis. Proceedings to the Annual Meeting of Cathay General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 2001, p8.
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- Yang SS, Lai YC, Chen DS. The role of alpha-fetoprotein levels in predicting poor prognosis of acute hepatic failure. Proceedings to the Second World Conference on Digestology, Sept 8-11, 2000, Beijing, China.
- Dai DY, Chen JH, Chang DT, Chen ST, Liao LY, Kou TH, Chen YY, Chen JK, Yang SS, et al. Mortality in first degree-relatives of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: 1 8-year report. Proceedings to the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Gastroenterological Society, 2001, p18.
- Yang SS, Chen HH, Chen DS. The role of zinc in subclinical hepatic encephalopathy:- a comparison with somatosensory evoked potentials. Proceedings to the International Symposium on Hyperammonemia, Liver Failure and Hepatic Encephalopathy. Valencia, Spain, Oct 20-22, 2001, p 19.
- Yang SS, Wu CH, Chen TK, et al. Lamivudine does not increase the efficacy of interferon in the treatment of mutant type chronic hepatitits B:- a pilot study. Proceedings to the 2001 Autumn Convention and 13th International Symposium of Taiwan Gastroenterological Society, 2001, p. 216.
- Dai DY, Chen YY, Chen GH, Yang SS, et al. HBV transmission routes and education levels in hepatocarcinogenesis. Proceedings to the 2001 Autumn Convention and 13th International Symposium of Taiwan Gastroenterological Society, 2001, p. 216.
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- Lai MY, Chao YC, Liaw LY, Yang SS, et al. Efficacy of the interferon alfa plus ribavirin versus interferon alone in the treatment of hepatitis B e antigen positive patients with chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology 2001;34:320a.
- Hu JT, Yang SS, Lai YC, et al. Intraoperative ultrasonography during liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma: -10 years retrospective analysis. Proceedings to the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Gastroenterological Society, 2002, p46; Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2002;19:111.
- Dai DY, Yang SS, Tang HS, et al. Factors associated with declining HBsAg in aging. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2002;19:107.
- Hong TS, Lai YC, Wu CH, Yang SS, et al. Clinical experience of pseudomembranous colitis. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2002;19:68.
- Yang SS. Alcoholic liver disease. Proceedings to the 2002 3rd Symposium of Taiwan Ultrasound Society, July 7, 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, p. 15.
- Yang SS, Lai CY, Hu JT, Chen DS. Lamivudine does not increase the efficacy of interferon on the treatment of mutant type chronic viral hepatitis B. Proceedings to the Second World Conference on Digestology, Sept 23-25, 2002, Beijing, China.
- Yang SS, Lai YC, Hu RT, Chen DS. The role of alpha-fetoprotein levels in predicting poor prognosis of acute hepatic failure in patients with chronic hepatitis B. J Gastroenterol;17:A42; Proceedings to the APASL Meeting, Sept 26-29, 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, ppA42.
- Huang TM, Yang SS, Lai YC, et al. The role of low blood copper levels in interferon related depression. Proceedings to the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Gastroenterological Society, 2003, p72; Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2003;20:72.
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- Hon CT, Lee CL, Wu CH, Chen TK, Yang SS, et al. Effects of first generation cephalosporin plus garamycin to culture negative neutrocytic ascitic infection. Proceedings to the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Gastroenterological Society, 2003, p102; Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2003;20:102.
- Huang TM, Yang SS, Chen DF, et al. Low blood copper levels related to depression during interferon therapy. Proceedings to the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Parenteral Nutrition, April 20, 2003. p. 19.
- Lin YS, Lin SY, Huang WT, Chen DF, Hong CH, Yang SS. The relation between jaundice and total parenteral nutrition. Proceedings to the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Parenteral Nutrition, April 20, 2003. p. 33.
- Hu RT, Yang SS, Lai YC, et al. Combined HBV/MF59 vaccine and lamivudine improves HBeAg seroconversion in adults with chronic hepatitis B. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2004;21:56.
- Lin CW, Hu RT, Lai YC, Yang SS, et al. Changing severe alcoholic liver disease in Taiwan. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2004;21:92.
- Lin CC, Chao YC, Lai MY, Chang TC, Chuang WL, Yang SS, et al. Safety, tolerance, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Remofovir, a liver-targeting prodrug of PMEA in HBV patients following daily dosing for 28 days. Hepatology 2004;38:150A.
- Hu RT, Yang SS, Huang SH. Hyperechoic liver tumor in a cirrhotic patient with chronic hepatitits B. Proceedings to the 2004 International HCC Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 20, 2004, pp. 32.
- Lin GL, Huang LC, Lian GS, Yang SS. Plasma adiponectin levels are related to the severity of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2005;22:74.
- Lin GL, Huang LC, Lian GS, Yang SS. Plasma adiponectin levels are related to the severity of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Proceedings to the 7th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Parenteral Nutrition, April 17, 2005. p. 26.
- Yang SS. The role of sonography in medicine. Proceedings to the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Formosan Medical Association, Taipei, Taiwan, November 10. 2005, s24.
- Chung WL, Lee KS, Lim SG, Huang SG, Cho M, Lai MY, Chao YC, Chang TT, Han KH, Lee CM, Um SH, Yeon JE, Yang SS, et al. Antiviral activity of Pradefovir mesylate in patients with lamivudine-resistant HBV infection: 24-week interim analysis from phase 2 study. Proceedings to the HEP DART 2005, Koala Coast, Hawaii, US, December 11-5, 2005, a30.
- Peng HC, Hu JT, Yang SC, Yang SS. Effects of β-carotene on anti-oxidant status in ethanol-treated rat hepatocytes. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2006;23:71.
- Hu RT, Yang SS, Huang CS, et al. Intraoperative sonography during liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma. Proceedings to the 11th Congress of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Seoul, Korea, May 28-June 1. Ultrasound Med Biol 2006; 32:58.
- Hu JT, Yang SS, Chang CW. Portal blood flow in heart failure. Proceedings to the 3rd Meeting of the Taiwan Society of the Ultrasound in Medicine in 2006, Taipei, Taiwan June 18. 2006, s1.
- Lee KS, Lim SG, Chuang WL, Hwang SG, Cho M, Lai MY, Chao YC, Chang TT, Han KH, Lee CM, Um SH, Yeon JE, Yang SS, et al. Safety, tolerability and antiviral activity of Pradefovir mesylate in patients with chronic hepatitis B viral infection: 48-week analysis of a phase 2 study. Proceedings to the 41st Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, Vienna, Austria, April 26-30, 2006; J Hepatol 2006;44:s274.
- Liu CJ, Kao JH, Chen CL, Lai MY, Yu ML, Lin ZY, Dai CY, Chuang WL, Lu SN, Hu TH, Huang CH, Chen CH, Lee CM, Liao LY, Yang SS, et al. An open label, comparative, multi-center study of Peginterferon alfa-2a plus ribavirin in the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C/ hepatitis B co-infection versus with monoinfected chronic hepatitis C: an intertrim report. Proceedings to the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Study of the Liver (IASL), Cario, Egypt September 7-11, 2006; Liver International 2006;26:s4.
- Yang SS, Hu JT, Huang CS, et al. Intraoperative ultrasonography reduces jaundice after resection for hepatocellular carcinoma: 10 years retrospective analysis. Proceedings to the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Study of the Liver (IASL), Cario, Egypt, September 7-11, 2006; Liver International 2006;26:s65.
- Lin CL, Li PL. Hu RT, Yang SC, Yang SS, Chen DS. Silymarin did not improve short-term alcohol-induced plasma and hepatic lipid peroxidation. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2006;23:239
- Meng CH, Hsu MY, Hu RT, Yang SS, Huang CS, Chen DS. Intraoperative sonography reduces jaundice in cirrhotics after resection for small hepatocellular carcinoma. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2006;23:271.
- Liu CJ, Chen CL, Kao JH, Lai MY, Chen CL, Liu CH, Yu ML, Dai CY, Lin ZY, Chuang WL, Lu SN, Wang JH, Hu TH, Huang CH, Chen CH, Lee CM, Su WW, Wu SH, Lin CL, Liao LY, Kuo HT, Tung HD, Chao YC, Tung SY, Yang SS, Chen DS. An open label, comparative, multi-center study of Peginterferon alfa-2a plus ribavirin in the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C/ hepatitis B co-infection versus those with monoinfected chronic hepatitis C: an intertrim report. Proceedings to the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of the Liver Diseases, Boston, MA, October 27-31, 2006; Hepatology 2006;44, s1:616-7A.
- Meng CH, Hsu MY, Hu RT, Yang SS, et al. Intraoperative sonography reduces postoperative jaundice after resection for small hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotics. Proceedings to the 28th World Congress of Internal Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan November 10-13, 2006, p268.
- Lin CC, Li YP, Hu RT, Yanf SC, Yang SS, Chen DS. The role of silymarin on short-term alcohol-induced plasma and hepatic lipid peroxidation. Proceedings to the 28th World Congress of Internal Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan November 10-13, 2006, p275.
- Huang YW, Hu CY, Lai MY, Yang SS, et al. Correlation of HLA-DRB1 polymorphisms and HBV genotypes with clinical course of HBV carriers. . Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2007;24:131.
- Huang YW, Hu CY, Lai MY, Chen PJ, Yang SS, et al. Correlation of HLA-DRB1 polymorphism and HBV genotype with clinical course of HBV carrier. Proceedings to the 17th APASL Conference, Kyoto, Japan March 27-30; Hepatology International 2007;1:4.
- Liu CJ, Chen PJ, Kao JH, Chen DS, Yu ML, Dai CY, Chung WL, Lu SN, Lee CM, Lin CL, Liao LY, Kuo HT, Chao YC, Tung SY, Yang SS. Peginterferon alfa-2a plus ribavirin for patients with chronic hepatitis C and B co-infection. Proceedings to the 17th APASL Conference, Kyoto, Japan March 27-30; Hepatology International 2007;1:35.
- Lin CL, Chen YL, Mon CH, Hu RT, Yang SC, Yang SS. Increased homocysteine and reduced antioxidation in patients with alcoholc liver disease. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2007;24:323.
- Hsu MY, Lin CL, Hu RT, Yang SS, et al. Discrimination function is better than MELD score in evaluating alcoholic liver disease. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2007;24:354.
- Huang YW, Hsu MY, Lin CL, Hu RT, Yang SS, et al. Discrimination function is better than MELD score in the evaluation of nutritional status in patients with alcoholic liver disease. Proceedings to the 2nd International Symposium on Alcoholic Liver Disease and Pancreatic Disease and Cirrhosis, Kobe, Japan October 18-19, 2007; pp69.
- Huang YW, Lin CL, Hu RT, Chen YL, Yang SC, Yang SS. Increased homocysteine and reduced antioxidation in patients with alcoholc liver disease. Proceedings to the 2nd International Symposium on Alcoholic Liver Disease and Pancreatic Disease and Cirrhosis, Kobe, Japan October 18-19, 2007; pp74.
- Lin CW, Hu RT, Lin GL, Pong DS, Yang SS, et al. Discrominant function > 16 combination with varices predicts mortality in patients with alcoholic liver disease. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2008;25:65.
- Huang YW, Liu CL, Lai MY, Chen PJ, Lin CL, Hu RT, Yang SS, et al. Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms correlate with hepatitis flares and e antigen positivity in hepatitis B carriers. Proceedings to the 18th Conference of the APASL, Seoul, Korea March 23-26, 2008; Hepatol International 2008;2:A202.
- Huang YW, Tsuge M, Takahashi S, Hatakeyama T, Abe H, Imamura M, Yang SS, et al. Interferon inhibits HBV RNA detected during lamivudine therapy. Proceedings to the 43rd Annual meeting of the EASL, Milan, Italy, Apr. 23-27, 2008; pp s244.
- Hsu MY, Huang YW, Hu RT, Yang SS, DC Chen. Alcoholism as a risk factor of HCC in Taiwan in addition to viral hepatitis. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2008;25:328.
- Huang YW, Yang SS, Hu RT, et al. Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms correlate with hepatitis flares and e-antigen positivity in hepatitis B carriers. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2008;25:334.
- Chang HY, Hsu MY, Huang YW, Hu RT, Yang SS. The role of narrow band imaging system in the evaluation of esophageal varices. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2008;25:341.
- Huang YW, Yang SS, Liu CJ, et al. Association of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms with hepatitis flares but not with hepatoma in hepatitis B carriers. Hepato-Gastroenterol 2008;55 supp:A222.
- Yang SS, Hu RT, Huang YW. NBI system is more useful for identifying esophageal varices than a conventional upper endoscopy system. Hepatology 2008;48:630-1A.
- Huang YW, Chayama K, Tsuge M, Takahashi S, Hatakeyama, Lai MY, You HL, Hu RT, Liu CJ, Chen DS, Yang SS, Kao JH. Serum HBV RNA level reflects the potency of nucleots(t)ide analogue. 19th Cinference of the APASL, Hong Kong, Feb. 13-16, 2009. Hepatol International 2009;3:110
- Yang SS. Updated diagnosis and treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2009;26:49.
- Yeh WC, Huang YW, Hu RT, Yang SS. Evaluating the possibility of computer-aided diagnosis using liver ultrasound images. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2009;26:105.
- Hsu MY, Hu RT, Chang HY, Huang YW, Chen DS. CTAP improves the detacting and accurate staging of hepatocellular carcinoma. Taiwan J Gastro- enterol 2009;26:106.
- Yang SS. Alcoholic liver disease. Proceedings to the Memorial Seminar to Mr. Tsien Peng Lun, Ho-Chi-Min and Hanoi, Vietnam, Feb. 16-21, 2009; pp 1-41.
- Huang YW, Chayma K, Tsuge M, Takahashi S, Hatakeyama T, Abe H, Imamura M, Hu JT, Liu CJ, Lai MY, Chen PJ, Kao JH, Yang SS. Combination therapy of interferon and lamivudine in patients with chronic hepatitis B: -What serum HBV RNA tells us. Proceedings to the 5th APASL Single Topic Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, May 17-20, 2009; pp 126.
- Hsu MY, Hu JT, Yang SS, Chen DF, Chen DS. CTAP in diagnosis of small hepatocellular carcinoma: improves detection rate and gets accurate staging. Proceedings to the 2nd TLCA Annual Meeting, Kaoshong, June 14, 2009; pp 49.
- Huang YW, Tsai TY, Hu JT, Kao JH, Chen DS, Yang SS. Ultrasonography is useful to detect severity of fatty infiltration in alcoholic liver diseases independent of body mass index, liver inflammation, fibrosis and cirrhosis. Proceeding to the 12th World Congress of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Sydney, Australia, August 30-September 3, 2009
- Yang SS. Clinical and sonographic features of alcoholic liver disease in Asia with high prevalence of viral hepatitis. Proceeding to the 19th World Congress of International Association of Surgeon, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists, Beijing, China, Sept 23-26, 2009; pp.
- Huang YW, Chayama K, Tsuge M, Takahashi S, Hatakeyama T, Hu RT, Lai MY, Liu CJ, Chen DS, Kao JH, Yang SS. Clinical significance of hepatitis B virus replicative intermediate (HBV RNA) during nucleos(t)ide analogues treatment. Proceeding to the 19th World Congress of International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists, Beijing, China, Sept 23-26, 2009; pp 1.
- Huang YW, Lin CW, Chen YS, Lai CH, Perng DS, Weng HC, Hu JT, Hsu MY, Yang SS. Esophagogastric varices predict mortality in hospitalized patients with alcoholic liver disease in Taiwan. Proceeding to the 19th World Congress of International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists, Beijing, China, Sept 23-26, 2009; pp 6-7.
- Yang SS. The prognostic index for patients with acute liver failure. When should we put the patients on the waiting list for liver transplantation? Proceeding to the 2009 Asian Pacific Digestive Week, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept 27-30, 2009; pp 391.
- Liu CJ, Chuang WL, Lee CM, Yu ML, Lu SN, Dai CY, Huang JF, Hu TH, Chen CH, Hung CH, Wang JH, Wu SS, Liao LY, Kuo HT, Chao YC, Tung SY, Yang SS, et al. HBsAg clearance continurs to increase post-treatment in patients with HCV/HBV coinfection treated with peginterferon alfa-2a plus ribavirin: 1.5 year follow-up. Hepatology 2009;50 suppl:503a-4a.
- Huang YW, Hu RT, Tsai TY, Chang CJ, Chen DS, Kao JH, Yang SS. Combination of ribavirin increases the risk of severe depression in chronic hepatitis C patients versus chronic hepatitis B patients treated with interferon. Hepatology 2009;50 suppl:925a.
- Huang CH, Hsu MY, Lin CL, Hu JT, Yang SS, et al. Calorimetry in alcoholic liver disease. Proceedings to the 9th Annual Meeting of TSPEN, Taipei, Taiwan, April 19, 2009; p 26.
- Yang SS. Acute liver failure in Asia with a high prevalence of chronic viral hepatitis B. Proceedings to the Memorial Seminar to Mr. Tsien Peng Lun, Hanoi and Ho-Chi-Min, Vietnam, Jan. 19-23, 2010; pp 1.
- Huang YW, Chayama K, Hu JT, Chen DS, Kau JH, Yang SS. Differential effects of interferon and lamivudine on serum HBV RNA inhibition in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2010;27:59.
- Hu JT, Yang SS, Huang YW, et al. Variations of the Bilirubin-UDP-Glucurono- Syltransferase Gene in Indirect Hyper-bilirubinemia. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2010;27:112.
- Hu RT, Yang SS. Alcoholic liver disease. Proceedings to the 2010 3rd Symposium of Taiwan Ultrasound Society, June 20, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, p. 2.
- Hu JT, Huang YW, Chang HY, Yang SS. Case Challenge 3: A liver tumor. Proceeding to the 3rd Annual Meeting and International Liver cancer Symposium of Taiwan Liver cancer Association, Taipei, Taiwan, July 25, 2010; pp 34.
- Yang SS. Acute liver failure in Asia with a high prevalence of chronic viral hepatitis B. Proceeding to the 1st Mongolia-Taiwan Joint Conference “Hepatology: Current Problems and Challenges”, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, August 11, 2010; pp 15.
- Peng HC, Chen YL, HU JT, Huang YW, Yang SC, Yang SS. Effects of glutamine on inflammatory responses in chronic ethanol-fed rats. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2010;27:344.
- Huang YW, Yeh WC, Hu RT, Chang HY, Yang SS. Computer-aided diagnosis using high frequency ultrasound in chronic liver disease. Proceedings to the 2010 Annual Convention of the Taiwan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2-3, 2010, pp 60.
- Hu RT, Huang YW, Chang HY, Yang SS, Chen DS. Complications of alcoholic cirrhosis: active assessment by endoscopy and sonography. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2010;27:361.
- Yeh WC, Huang YW, Hu RT, Yang SS. Computer-aided diagnosis using high frequency ultrasound in chronic liver disease. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2010; 27:361.
- Huang YW, Hu RT, Chang HY, Chen DS, Kao JH, Yang SS. Active assessment of depression in interferon-based therapy of chronic hepatitis C versus chronic hepatitis B patients. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2010;27:362.
- Huang YW, Lin SC, Hsu PN, Wei SC, Hu RT, Yang SS, et al. Regulation of tall-like receptor-3 expression in chronic hepatitis B patients by hepatitis B e-antigen. Proceedings to the 2010 International Meeting on Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Virus, Taipei, Taiwan, October 9-13, 2010, pp 65.
- Yang SS. Alcoholic liver disease: clinical and sonographic features. Proceedings to the 9th Congress of Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Ashok, New Delhi, India, November 18-21, 2010, pp 20.
- Lin CW, Perng DS, Hsu CC, Mo LR, Lo GH, Yang SS. The clinical impact of hepatitis B virus infection on hepatocellular carcinoma and mortality in alcoholic cirrhosis. Proceedings to the 2011 DDW, Chicago, IL, May 7-10, 2011, pp s990; Gastroenterology 2011;140 supp1:s990.
- Chu NS, Yang SS. Buddhist meditation and brain: - Emotional aspects. Proceedings to the XVIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Dharam Drum Buddhist College, Taipei, June 20-25, 2011, pp 129-30.
- Yang SS. Alcoholic liver disease. Taiwan Medical Delegate to Inner Mongolia, Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Inner Mongolia Public Health Department, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia, China, October 23, 2011.
- Huang YW, WangTC, Hu RT, Chang HY, Wu JM, Kao JH, Yang SS, Chen DS. Increased risk of cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis B patients who de3velop diabetes: a population-based study. Hepatology 2011;54:446A.
- Yang SS, Li HY, Lin WY, et al. Urokinase plasminogen activator as a single marker for the assessment of liver fibrosis in alcoholic liver disease. Hepatology 2011;54:1225A-6A.
- Yang SS. Clinical and pathologic features of ALD. Proceedings to the 2012 APASL, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb. 16-19, 2012; Hepatol Int 2012;6:54.
- Huang YW, Wang TC, Chang HY, Wu JM, Chen DS, Yang SS, et al. Risk of cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis B patients with newly diagnosis of diabetes: A nationwide cohort study. Proceedings to the 2012 APASL, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb. 16-19, 2012; Hepatol Int 2012;6:103.
- Huang YW, Hu JT, Chang HY, Wu JM, Chen DS, Kao JH, Yang SS. Predictors of response in adefovir combination to lamivudine for lamivudine resistant HBeAg positive and negative chronic hepatitis B. Proceedings to the 2012 APASL, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb. 16-19, 2012, PP09-113; Hepatol Int 2012;6:134.
- Yang SS, Li HY, Lin WY, et al. Urokinase plasminogen activator (UPA) as a single marker for the assessment of liver fibrosis in alcoholism. Proceedings to the 2012 APASL, Taipei, Taiwan, Feb. 16-19, PP25-030, 2012; Hepatol Int 2012;6:254.
- Yeh WC, Huang YW, Hu RT, Yang SS. The influences of liver fibrosis or steatosis on computer-aided diagnosis using high frequency ultrasound liver images. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2012; 29:109.
- Yang SS. Alcoholic liver disease. Proceedings to the 10th AFSUMB Workshop, Hong Kong, August 11, 2012, PP 3.
- Huang YW, Yang SS. Alcoholic liver disease. Proceedings to the 2nd Cross-strait Liver Diseases Forum, Shanghai, China, August 25, 2012.
- Yang SS. Acute on chronic liver failure due to hepatitis D: a lesion from a forgotten epidemic in Taiwan. Proceedings to the 10th APASL Single Topic Conference: HCV and Co-infection. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, September 7-9, 2012, pp. 51.
- Liaw WH, Chen YL, Yang SC, Hu JY, Yang SS. Synbiotics improve intestinal microbiota and alcoholic liver disease in ethanol-feeding rats. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2012;29 suppl:s85.
- Huang YW, Hu JT, Chen DS, Yang SS, et al. Presence of serum HBV RNA predicts initial virological response in nucleoside analogue treated chronic hepatitis B patients. Taiwan J Gastroenterol 2012;29 suppl:s91.
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