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- Chan CC, Chien NH, Lee CL, Yang YC, Hung CS, Tu TC, Wu CH. Comparison of 10-day sequential therapy with 7-day standard triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication in inactive peptic ulcer disease and the efficiency of sequential therapy in inactive peptic ulcer disease and non-ulcer dyspepsia. BMC Gastroenterol. 2015 Dec 3;15:170
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- Kao LT, Tsai MC, Lin HC, Pai F, Lee CZ. Weekly pattern of emergency room admissions for peptic ulcers: a population-based study. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Mar 21;21(11):3344-50
- Chung SD, Lee CZ, Kao LT, Lin HC, Tsai MC, Sheu JJ. Association between neovascular age-related macular degeneration and dementia: a population-based case-control study in Taiwan. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 6;10(3)
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- Chen HY, Lee CL. The clinical use of fecal calprotectin. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2015; 26: 156-61
- Chan CC, Chien NH, Lee CL, Yang YC, Hung CS, Tu TC, Wu CH. Comparison of 10-day sequential therapy with 7-day standard triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication in inactive peptic ulcer disease and the efficiency of sequential therapy in inactive peptic ulcer disease and non-ulcer dyspepsia. BMC Gastroenterol. 2015 Dec 3; 15:170
- Kao LT, Liu SP, Lin HC, Lee HC, Tsai MC, Chung SD. Poor clinical outcomes among pneumonia patients with depressive disorder. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 31;9(12)
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- Chien NH, Lee CL. Recent Advances in Colon Diverticular Disease. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2014; 25(4): 238-249
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- Kao LT, Liu SP, Lin HC, Lee HC, Tsai MC, Chung SD. Poor clinical outcomes among pneumonia patients with depressive disorder. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 31;9(12)
- Kao LT, Lee CZ, Liu SP, Tsai MC, Lin HC. Psoriasis and the risk of pneumonia: a population-based study. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 26;9(12)
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- Huang CJ, Yang SH, Lee CL, Chen YC, Tai SY, Chien CC. Ribosomal protein S27-like in colorectal cancer: a candidate for predicting prognosis. PLoS ONE 2013; 8:e67043.
- Chen WC, Tsai MC, et al. Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Report of a Case.嗜伊紅性白血球食道炎:一病例報告. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2013; .30(1): 20-24
- Pan CY, Lee CL, Wu CH. Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2013; 24(3): 162-180
- Chen WC, Tsai MC, Lai YC, Wu CH. Eosinophilic esophagitis: report of a case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2013; 30(1): correspondent author
- Chung SD, Tsai MC, Lin CC, Lin HC. A case-control study on the association between bladder cancer and prior bladder calculus. BMC Cancer 2013; Mar 15: 13:117 (SCI)
- Chung SD, Tsai MC, Lin HC. Increased risk of pneumonia following pyogenic liver abscess: a nationwide population-base study. Int J Infect Dis. 2013; Mar 5. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI) * contributed equally
- Chen WC, Tsai MC, et al. Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Report of a Case.嗜伊紅性白血球食道炎:一病例報告. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2013; .30(1): 20-24
- Pan CY, Lee CL, Wu CH. Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2013; 24(3): 162-180
- Chen WC, Tsai MC, Lai YC, Wu CH. Eosinophilic esophagitis: report of a case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2013; 30(1): correspondent author
- Chung SD, Tsai MC, Lin CC, Lin HC. A case-control study on the association between bladder cancer and prior bladder calculus. BMC Cancer 2013; Mar 15: 13:117 (SCI)
- Chung SD, Tsai MC, Lin HC. Increased risk of pneumonia following pyogenic liver abscess: a nationwide population-base study. Int J Infect Dis. 2013; Mar 5. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI) * contributed equally
- Hung CS, Chou JW, Hsu WH, Chen TH, Hsu CM, Hsu YH, Yan JN, Lu CL, Lee CL*. The diagnosis of small intestine diseases by wireless capsule endoscopy: a multiple center experience in Taiwan. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2012; 29:317-325.
- Chiang CK, Tsai MC, Lee CL*, Wu CH. Eosinophilic esophagitis. J Intern Med Taiwan 2012; 23:330-342.
- Chiang C K, Lee CL*, Huang CS, Huang SH, Wu CH. A rare cause of ischemic proctosigmoiditis: idiopathic myointimal hyperplasia of mesenteric veins. Endoscopy 2012; 44:E54-E55.
- Chien CC, Tu TC, Huang CJ, Yang SH, Lee CL*. Lowly expressed ribosomal protein S19 in the feces of patients with colorectal cancer. ISRN Gastroenterology 2012 Article ID 394545.
- Chien CC, Tu Tc, et al. Lowly expressed ribosomal protein S19 in the feces of patients with colorectal cancer. ISRN Gastroenterology 2012; Article 394545, 6 pages
- Hung CS, Chou JW, et al. The diagnosis of small intestine diseases by wireless capsule endoscopy: a multi center experience in Taiwan. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2012; 29(4):317-325
- Chien CC, Tu Tc, et al. Lowly expressed ribosomal protein S19 in the feces of patients with colorectal cancer. ISRN Gastroenterology 2012; Article 394545, 6 pages
- Hung CS, Chou JW, et al. The diagnosis of small intestine diseases by wireless capsule endoscopy: a multi center experience in Taiwan. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2012; 29(4):317-325
- Hung CS, Chou JW, et al. The diagnosis of small intestine diseases by wireless capsule endoscopy: a multi center experience in Taiwan. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2012; 29(4):317-325
- Hsu SC, Lee CL*, Tzeng CC, Wu CH. Comparative study of using different dosages and regimens of esomeprazole in treating Helicobacter pylori-related peptic ulcer disease. J Intern Med Taiwan 2011; 22:183-191.
- Huang CJ, Yang SH, Huang SM, Lin CM, Chien CC, Chen YC, Lee CL, Wu HH, Chang CC. A predicted protein, KIAA0247, is a cell cycle modulator in colorectal cancer cells under 5-FU treatment. Journal of Translational Medicine 2011; 9:82.
- Chueh GHT, Lee CL, Wu CH, Tai FC, Huang SH. Primary pancreatic squamous cell carcinoma: report of a case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2011; 28:40-45.
- Hsu SC, Lee CL, et al. Comparative study of Using Different Dosages and Regimens of Esomeprazole in Treating Helicobacter pylori-related Peptic Ulcer Disease. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2011; 22(3): 183-191
- Hsu SC, Lee CL, et al. Comparative study of Using Different Dosages and Regimens of Esomeprazole in Treating Helicobacter pylori-related Peptic Ulcer Disease. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2011; 22(3): 183-191
- Yang SH, Huang CJ, Lee CL. Fecal RNA detecting of cytokeratin 19 and ribosomal protein L19 for colorectal cancer. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2010; 57:710-715.
- Hsu SC, Lee CL, Tu TC, Wu CH. The effectiveness of Sequential Therapy for Non-Ulcer Dspepsia Patients with H. Pylori Infection. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2010; 21(2): 125-132
- Hsu SC, Lee CL*, et al. The effectiveness of sequential therapy for non-ulcer dyspepsia patients with H. pylori infection. J Intern Med Taiwan 2010; 21:125-132.
- Hsu SC, Lee CL, Tu TC, Wu CH. The effectiveness of Sequential Therapy for Non-Ulcer Dspepsia Patients with H. Pylori Infection. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2010; 21(2): 125-132
- Hsu SC, Lee CL, Tu TC, Wu CH. The effectiveness of Sequential Therapy for Non-Ulcer Dspepsia Patients with H. Pylori Infection. Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan 2010; 21(2): 125-132