職業性血癌, 甲狀腺癌, 骨癌與乳癌認定參考指引
- Hong KJ, Lin JJ, Lin LH, Lai TH. The intrafollicular concentration of leptin as a potential biomarker to predict oocyte maturity in in-vitro fertilization. Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):19573. 第一作者
- Tsui KC, Yen TL, Huang CJ, Hong KJ. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG as dietary supplement improved survival from lipopolysaccharides-induced sepsis in mice. Food Sci Nutr. 2021;9(12):6786-6793. 通訊作者
- Ho CM, Chang TH, Yen TL, Hong KJ, Huang SH. Collagen type VI regulates the CDK4/6-p-Rb signaling pathway and promotes ovarian cancer invasiveness, stemness, and metastasis. Am J Cancer Res. 2021;11(3):668-690.
- Pan CH, Hong KJ, Chuang KJ, Chuang HC. Health Hazards Evaluation for Workers Exposed to Metal Nanoparticles by Animal Study. Journal of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health. 2017;25(1):47-59.
- 謝男鴻, 洪琨景。「呼」出健康-新職業暴露技術介紹。勞動及職業安全衛生簡訊。(2016年02月)
- Hong KJ, Hsu MC, Hung WC. RECK impedes DNA repair by inhibiting the erbB/JAB1/Rad51 signaling axis and enhances chemosensitivity of breast cancer cells. Am J Cancer Res. 2015;5(8):2422-2430. 第一作者
- Hong KJ, Wu DC, Cheng KH, Chen LT, Hung WC. RECK inhibits stemness gene expression and tumorigenicity of gastric cancer cells by suppressing ADAM-mediated Notch1 activation. J Cell Physiol. 2014;229(2):191-201. 第一作者
- Hong KJ, Hsu MC, Hou MF, Hung WC. The tumor suppressor RECK interferes with HER-2/Neu dimerization and attenuates its oncogenic signaling. FEBS Lett. 2011;585(4):591-595. 第一作者
許雯純, 崔可忠, 洪琨景。益生菌對於LPS誘導敗血症的動物 模型中存活率之影響。2020第12屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會。2020