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醫學美容中心 Medical Aesthetic Center




“Safety” and “Whole care” are the core value of our center. We emphasize the consideration from the customer aspect, to achieve best result based on the individualized plan, and avoid unnecessary surgery. Low complication rate is our well-known merits.

Our services of breast reconstruction center not only focus on the cosmetic breast reconstruction and reduction but also focus on the breast reconstruction after breast cancer treatment and the capsular contracture treatment after breast reconstruction.

手術及醫療強項Featured Medical Services

  1. 整形手術Cosmetic Surgery
    1. 雙眼皮手術 Double eyelid surgery
    2. 眼袋手術 Eye bags surgery
    3. 乳房美型與乳癌術後重建 Breast reconstruction surgery
    4. 抽脂/自體脂肪移植 Liposuction/ Autologus fat tresplantion
    5. 狐臭治療 Osmidrosis treatment
    6. 男性女乳症矯正 Gynecomastia treatment
    7. 乳頭凹陷矯正 Correction of inverted nipple
  2. 微整形 Mini-invasive procedure
    1. 肉毒桿菌素注射 Botox injection
    2. 微量自體脂肪注射 Micro autologous fat injection
    3. 音波拉提 Ultra skin lifing
  3. 雷射光療 Cosmetic laser
    1. 飛梭雷射 Fraxel laser
    2. 釹/鉺雅鉻雷射 Vd/ Er laser
    3. 染料雷射/血管瘤治療 Dye laser/ Hemangioma treatment
    4. 脈衝光雷射 Intense pulsed light laser
    5. 皮秒雷射 Discovery PICO laser
  4. 植髮中心 Hair transplantation cente
    1. 傳統植髮 FUT (Follicular unit transplantation)
    2. 微創植髮 FUE (Follicular unit extraction)
