生殖醫學中心 Assisted Reproductive Center
- 四名技術員專業年資超過15年,具國內(台大)及國外(日本、新加坡)完整訓練,人工生殖技術操作純熟,經驗豐富。
4 technicians with over 15 years experiences and well training from Japan and Singapore organization and the National Taiwan University.
- 諮詢員兩名具專業證照護理師擔任。
2 consulters with registered nurse license
- 泌尿科與風濕免疫科主任級醫師長期合作
Co-operation disciplines: Reproductive urology and immunology
Assisted Reproductive Center of Cathay General Hospital established in 1991as the pioneer of IVF treatment medical center in Taiwan. In Cathay General Hospital the pregnancy rate of IVF therapy is more than 70%; the live birth rate of IVF therapy is more than 50%, which are greater than the national average. Our center packed in lots of patients from out of the countries each year. We fulfill the dream of infertility couples to having their babies.
- 4 technicians with over 15 years experiences and well training from Japan and Singapore organization and the National Taiwan University.
- 2 consulters with registered nurse license
- Co-operation disciplines: Reproductive urology and immunology
非凡成就 Extraordinary Achievement
- 衛生福利部評選本中心為全國優良生殖醫學中心
National Excellent IVF Center (by Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan, ROC)
- 本中心為衛福部委託之人工生殖施術醫師及技術員訓練中心
Qualified Training Hospital for IVF fellowship and embriologist (by Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan, ROC)
- 本院生殖學中心試管嬰兒懷孕累積活產率達50 %以上,高於全國平均值,平均每兩位治療者就有一位成功懷孕。(2018 國建署統計)
The live birth rate of IVF therapy in Cathay General Hospital is more than 50%, which is greater than the national average. (2018 HPA statistics)
手術及醫療強項Featured Medical Services
- 完整生育力評估檢查
Integrated fertility evaluation
- 先進人工生殖技術: 胚胎著床前染色體篩檢、人工智慧選胚、著床窗期預測
Advanced assisted reproductive technologies: PGT-A, AI time-lapse embryo selection, ERA
- 達文西機器手臂重接輸卵管手術
Robotic (da Vinci) tubal reversal surgery
- 生育力保存(凍精、凍卵、凍胚)
fertility preservation with frozen embryos, oocyte and sperm.
- 借精卵生子
Sperm and egg donation program
- 客製化引卵療程
Individualized ovarian stimulation protoco
推薦醫師 Physician Profile
主任兼實驗室主持人:賴宗炫主任醫師Director: Dr. Tsung-Hsuan, Lai M.D., Ph.D.
- Clinical specialty專長
不孕症治療、試管嬰兒及人工受精Infertility treatment, IVF, IUI
- Clinical experience經歷
Associate professor of Catholic Fu Jen University, School of medicine
Clinical assistant professor of the department of medicine, Taipei Medical University
The research fellowship of REI, department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Johns Hopkins
The clinical observer of assisted reproductive center in Carnell University
ASRM membership
ESHRE membership
TSRM membership
Membership of the Fertility Society of Republic of China
Membership of TAMIG
Counselor of the R.O.C. society of endometriosis
林亮華醫師 Dr. Liang-Hua Lin
- Clinical specialty專長
不孕症治療、試管嬰兒及人工受精Infertility treatment, IVF, IUI
Fertility preservation, oocyte cryopreservation, embryo cryopreservation
- Clinical experience經歷
台大醫學系畢 National Taiwan University School of Medicine
國泰醫院生殖醫學科研修醫師 Assisted Reproductive Technology Fellowship Training Program at Cathay General hospital
電話:02-27082121 #3557
電話諮詢時間:8:30-11:00 / 13:30-16:00