


代碼 15908

人氣 34086


  • 國立台灣大學臨床醫學研究所博士
  • 國立台灣大學醫學系醫學士
  • 台大醫院新竹分院風濕免疫科專任主治醫師
  • 台大醫院風濕免疫科研究員
  • 台大醫院內科部住院醫師、總住院醫師


  • 中華民國風濕科專科醫師
  • 中華民國免疫風濕專科醫師
  • 中華民國免疫專科指導醫師
  • 中華民國內科專科醫師


  1. Chyuan IT, Chu CL, Hsu CL, Pan MH, Liao HJ, Wu CS, Hsu PN. T cell-specific deletion of TRAIL receptor reveals its critical role for regulating pathologic T cell activation and disease induction in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J Immunol. 2022;208(7):1534-1544.
  2. Tzeng HT, *Chyuan IT, *Lai JH. Targeting the JAK-STAT pathway in autoimmune diseases and cancers: a focus on molecular mechanisms and therapeutic potential. Biochem Pharmacol. 2021;193:114760 * corresponding author
  3. Tzeng HT, Yang JL, Tseng YJ, Lee CH, Chen WJ, *Chyuan IT. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 secretion by autophagy contributes to melanoma resistance to chemotherapy through tumor microenvironment modulation. Cancers. 2021,13(6),1253 * corresponding author
  4. Chyuan IT, Chu CL, Hsu PN. Targeting the tumor microenvironment for improving therapeutic effectiveness in cancer immunotherapy: focusing on immune checkpoint inhibitors and combination therapies. Cancers. 2021,13(6),1188.
  5. Sung CC, Horng JH, Siao SH, Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Chen PJ, Hsu PN. Asialo GM1-positive liver-resident CD8 T cells that express CD44 and LFA-1 are essential for immune clearance of hepatitis B virus. Cell Mol Immunol. 2021;18(7):1772-1782
  6. Tzeng HT, *Chyuan IT. Immunometabolism in systemic lupus erythematosus: relevant pathogenetic mechanisms and potential clinical applications. J Formos Med Assoc. 2021;120(9):1667-1675. * corresponding author
  7. Chyuan IT, Hsu PN. TRAIL regulates T cell activation and suppresses inflammation in autoimmune diseases. Cell Mol Immunol. 2020;17(12):1281-1283.
  8. Wu CS, Chyuan IT, Chiu YL, Chen WL, Shen CY, Hsu PN. Preserved specific anti-viral T-cell response but associated with decreased lupus activity in SLE patients with cytomegalovirus infection. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020; 59(11):3340-3349.
  9. Chyuan IT, Lai JH. New insights into the IL-12 and IL-23: from a molecular basis to clinical application in immune-mediated inflammation and cancers. Biochem Pharmacol. 2020;175:113928.
  10. *Huang SW, *Chyuan IT, Shiue C, Yu MC, Hsu YF, Hsu MJ. Lovastatin-mediated MCF-7 cancer cell death involves LKB1-AMPK-p38MAPK-p53-survivin signalling cascade. J Cell Mol Med. 2020;24(2):1822-1836 * co-first author
  11. Tzeng HT, Chyuan IT, Chen WY. Shaping of innate immune response by fatty acid metabolite palmitate. Cells. 2019;8(12):1633.
  12. Chyuan IT, Tzeng HT, Chen JY. Signaling pathways of type I and type III interferons and targeted therapies in systemic lupus erythematosus. Cells. 2019;8(9):963.
  13. Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Wu CS, Hsu PN. TRAIL suppresses gut inflammation and inhibits colitogenic T cell activation in experimental colitis via an apoptosis-independent pathway. Mucosal Immunol. 2019;12(4):980-989
  14. Liao HJ, Tsai HF, Wu CS, Chyuan IT, Hsu PN. TRAIL inhibits RANK signaling and suppresses osteoclast activation via inhibiting lipid raft assembly and TRAF6 recruitment. Cell Death Dis. 2019;10(2):77.
  15. Chyuan IT, Chen JY. Role of Interleukin-(IL-)17 in the pathogenesis and targeted therapies in spondyloarthropathies. Mediators Inflamm. 2018;2018:2403935.
  16. Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Wu CS, Sung CC, Hsu PN. TRAIL-mediated suppression of T cell receptor signaling inhibits T cell activation and inflammation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Front Immunol. 2018;9:15.
  17. Chyuan IT, Hsu PN. Tumor necrosis factor: The key to hepatitis B viral clearance. Cell Mol Immunol. 2018;15(8):731-733.
  18. Yang NY, Wang CY, Chyuan IT, Wu KJ, Tu YK, Chang CW, Hsu PN, Kuo MY, Chen YW. Significant association of rheumatoid arthritis-related inflammatory markers with non-surgical periodontal therapy. J Formos Med Assoc. 2018;117(11):1003-1010.
  19. Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Liao HJ, Wu CS, Hsu PN. An apoptosis-independent role of TRAIL in suppressing joint inflammation and inhibiting T cell activation in inflammatory arthritis. Cell Mol Immunol. 2018;15(9):846-857.
  20. Tsai HF, Wu CS, Chen YL, Liao HJ, Chyuan IT, Hsu PN. Galectin-3 suppresses mucosal inflammation and reduces disease severity in experimental colitis. J Mol Med (Berl). 2016;94(5):545-56
  21. Wang CY, Chyuan IT, Wang YL, Kuo MY, Chang CW, Wu KJ, Hsu PN, Nagasawa T, Wara-Aswapati N, Chen YW. β2-glycoprotein I-dependent anti-CL antibodies associated with periodonitis in SLE patients. J Periodontol. 2015;86(8):995-1004.
  22. Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Tzeng HT, Sung CC, Wu CS, Chen PJ, Hsu PN. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockage therapy impairs hepatitis B viral clearance and enhances T cell exhaustion in a mouse model. Cell Mol Immunol. 2015;12(3):317-25.
  23. *Liao HJ, *Chyuan IT, Wu CS, Lin SW, Chen KH, Tsai HF, Hsu PN. Increased neutrophil infiltration, IL-1 production and a SAPHO syndrome-like phenotype in PSTPIP2-deficient mice. Rheumatology. 2015;54(7):1317-26 (IF=7.580) * co-first author
  24. Chyuan IT, Tsai TH, Chang TH, Wu CS. Ustekinumab treatment in a patient with psoriasis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus. 2015;24(6):650-1.
  25. Tzeng HT, Tsai HF, Chyuan IT, Liao HJ, Chen CJ, Chen PJ, Hsu PN. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced by hepatitis B virus core mediating the immune response for hepatitis B viral clearance in mice model. PLoS One. 2014;9(7):e103008.
  26. Wu CS, Hu CY, Tsai HF, Chyuan IT, Chan CJ, Chang SK, Hsu PN. Elevated serum level of growth arrest-specific protein 6 (Gas6) in systemic lupus erythematosus patients is associated with nephritis and cutaneous vasculitis. Rheumatol Int. 2014;34(5):625-9.



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