


代碼 01389

人氣 19496


  • 台北醫學大學醫學系
  • 國泰綜合醫院小兒科主任
  • 輔仁大學醫學院醫學系小兒學科主任
  • 輔仁大學醫學院專任助理教授
  • 台灣小兒消化醫學會理事長 
  • 台灣兒科醫學會理事
  • 台灣兒科醫學會消化系指導醫師 
  • 中華民國消化系內視鏡醫學會指導醫師 
  • 中華民國醫用超音波醫學會理事 
  • 中華民國醫用超音波醫學會指導醫師
  • 教育部部定助理教授
  • 菲律賓法蒂瑪大學醫學院臨床教授
  • 波蘭波茲南及西里西亞醫學院臨床教授
  • 台大醫院小兒科研究員
  • 日本東京女子醫大消化器病中心研究員
  • 美國紐約州水牛城兒童醫院小兒胃腸學及營養學研究員


  • 日本武田獎學金赴日研修
  • 國泰綜合醫院教學最佳主治醫師




  1. 張學勤、林隆煌、陳德芳、羅承裕. A 10- year-old girl with severe epigastric pain for 2 days. 台大景福館 2019/03/26
  2. 林隆煌 罕見的兒童腹部腫瘤 國泰醫訊 2019年4月 4-5頁
  3. 林隆煌 罕見的兒童突發性腹部劇痛 國泰醫訊2019年6月 6-7頁
  4. Chang KC, Chang MH, Lee CN, Chang CH, Wu JF, Ni YH, Wen WH, Shyu MK, Lai MW, Chen SM, Hu JJ, Lin HH, Hsu JJ, Mu SC, Lin YC, Liu CJ, Chen DS, Lin LH, Chen HL; Taiwan Study Group for the Prevention of Mother-to-Infant Transmission of HBV (PreMIT study). Decreased neonatal hepatitis B virus (HBV) viremia by maternal tenofovir treatment predicts reduced chronic HBV infection in children born to highly viremic mothers. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2019 Aug;50(3):306-316.
  5. Chang KC, Chang MH, Lin LH, Chen HL. Editorial: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus-authors' reply. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2019 Sep;50(6):708-709.
  6. 蔡宜珊,林隆煌,張莉敏,嚴文伶. Nontyphoidal Salmonella enterocolitis: a 12-year single institution experience in northern  Taiwan. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (TSPGHAN) 台大國際會議中心 2019/09/21-22
  7. 李宥嫺,林隆煌. Clinical characteristics between Rotavirus and Norovirus gastroenteritis : a 7-Year single institution experience. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (TSPGHAN) 台大國際會議中心2019/09/21-22
  8. Chang HC, Lin LH, Chen DF. A 10-Year-Old Female with Sudden Severe Epigastric Pain for 2 Days.  Pediatrics and Neonatology.  2019; 60:91-95.
  9. 黃崧銘,林隆煌. A 5 y/o girl with progressive dyspnea needed ECMO support. 第349次全國感染症聯合討論會2019/12/16
  10. Lee YH, Lin LH, Hung SP. Simultaneous intussusception associated with adenovirus infection in monozygotic twins: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Dec;98(51):e18294.
  11. Tsai IS, Lin LH, Hung SP. An infected urachal cyst presenting as acute abdominal pain in a child: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Jan;99(5):e18884.
  12. Lee YH, Lin LH, Chen DF. A rare case of sudden and severe abdominal pain in children. Clin Surg. 2020; 5:2751
  13. Hsu HY, Chen HL, Wu JF, Ni YH, Chang KC, Chiang CL, Lee CN, Zhao LL, Lai MW, Mu SC, Wen WH, Lin LH, Chang MH; Taiwan Study Group for the Prevention of Mother-to-Infant Transmission of HBV (PreMIT study). Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Immunized Infants Born to Untreated and Tenofovir-Treated Highly Viremic Mothers. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Jul;19(7):1494-1496.
  14. Koh KJ, Lin LH. One-year-old Boy with Gallbladder Stone: A Case Report and Literature Review. J Med Ultrasound. 2020 May 12;28(4):260-263. 
  15. 林隆煌 嬰兒肥厚性幽門狹窄 國泰醫訊 2020年7月12-13頁
  16. Lin LH. Rare Tumors of the Abdomen in Children. J Med Ultrasound. 2020 Aug 10;28(3):135-137.
  17. Lin LH. A Rare Case of Choledochal Cyst Presented as Sudden and Severe Abdominal Pain. J Med Ultrasound. 2020 Sep 12;28(4):256-259. 
  18. 林隆煌 先天性腸旋轉不良 國泰醫訊 2020年12月19-21頁
  19. 張學勤、林隆煌、陳德芳、羅承裕. A 10-year-old girl with sudden and severe abdominal pain for 2 days. 台大景福館  2020/12/09
  20. 黃崧銘、林隆煌、王南焜. A 5-year-old boy with fever and abdominal pain for 4 days. 台大景福館  2020/12/09
  21. Lin LH. A rare case of malrotation and midgut volvulus with whirlpool sign.J Med Ultrasound. 2021 June 21, IP:
  22. Hsu HY, Chen HL, Wu JF, Ni YH, Chang KC, Chiang CL, Lee CN, Zhao LL, Lai MW, Mu SC, Wen WH, Lin LH, Chang MH; Taiwan Study Group for the Prevention of Mother-to-Infant Transmission of HBV (PreMIT study). Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Immunized Infants Born to Untreated and Tenofovir-Treated Highly Viremic Mothers. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Jul;19(7):1494-1496.
  23. Yu-Hsien Lee, Lung-Huang Lin, Cheng-Yu Lo, Chi-Jung Huang. Pathology Proves the Association between Intussusception and Adenovirus Infection in Children. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (TSPGHAN) 2021/09/12
  24. King-Jun Koh , Lung-Huang Lin.  A Rare Case of Malrotation and Midgut Volvulus with Whirlpool Sign. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (TSPGHAN) 2021/09/12
  25. Lin LH. Whirlpool sign in intestinal malrotation and midgut volvulus: A case report. Fu Jen Journal of Medicine. 2021;19 (2 ): 20- 25
  26. 林隆煌 嬰兒的肝內神經母細胞瘤 國泰醫訊 2021年11月16-17頁
  27. Chang HL, Wen WH, Lee CN, Chiu YE, Liu CJ, Chang MH, Lin LH, Chen HL.  Kinetics of hepatitis B surface antigen in pregnant women with and without tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. J Viral Hepat. 2022 Feb;29(2):107-114.
  28. Lung‑Huang Lin, Neuroblastoma in the liver with unusual presentation Fu-Jen. Journal of Medicine 2023; 21(1): 26-31.
  29. 林隆煌 上腸繫膜動脈症候群 國泰醫訊 2023年5月28-30頁
  30. Yu-Hsien Lee, Lung-Huang Lin, Cheng-Yu Lo, Chi-Jung Huang. Proof of the Association Between Adenovirus Infection and Appendicitis in Children Through Pathological Evidence. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (TSPGHAN) 2022/09/03
  31. Yu-Shin Peng , Lung-Huang Lin, Cheng-Yu Lo , Chi-Jung Huang. Pathology-based Evidence of an Association Between Adenovirus Infection and Appendicitis in Children and Adults. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (TSPGHAN) 2023/10/29
  32. King-Jun Koh , Lung-Huang Lin. Refractory Intestinal Obstruction in Newborn. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (TSPGHAN) 2023/10/29
  33. Yu-Shin Peng , Lung-Huang Lin. Klebsiella Pneumoniae Hepatic abscess in A Diabetic Girl. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (TSPGHAN) 2023/10/29
  34. 曾涵泰, 沈仲敏, 林隆煌, 杜昆翰, 黃家彥.  A 13-year-old girl with abdominal distension台大景福館 2023/12/13
  35. 彭圩心, 胡雅莉, 李翊誠, 林隆煌, 杜昆翰.  A 9-year-old boy with severe abdominal pain 台大景福館 2023/12/13
  36. 林隆煌  總瞻管囊腫 國泰醫訊 2024年1-2月16-17頁



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