台灣兒科醫學會The prize of the Nestle Research Awards (1998)
台大醫院主治醫師優秀論文獎 (1998)
台灣兒科醫學會The Prize of the Pharmacia & Upjohn Pediatric Research Awards (1997)
Marquis Who’s Who in the World (世界名人錄) (1997, 1998, 2002)
中研院生醫所研究獎 (1994)
法國在台協會學者交流獎 (1992)
台灣兒科醫學會The Prize of the Mead-Johnson Pediatric Research Awards (1989)
公務人員高考公衛醫師優等第一名 (1985)
醫科學生葉曙教授病理獎 (1981)
Jaing TH, Hou JW, Chen SH, Huang IA, Wang CJ, Lee WI.(2006): Successful unrelated mismatched cord blood transplantation in a child with malignant infantile osteopetrosis. Pediatr Transplant 10:629-31. (SCI)
Wang SM, Hou JW, Lin JL (2006): A retrospective epidemiologic and etiological study of metabolic disorders in children with cardiomyopathies. Acta Paediatr Tw 47: 83-7. (Corresponding author)
Hou JW (2006): Chromosome 10q24.3-qter deletion associated with left-sided first branchial arch defect, diaphragmatic eventration, and duplicated renal pelvis. Am J Med Genet 140A:2241-4. (SCI)
Hou JW (2006): Double aneuploidy: trisomy 18 and XXY in a boy. Chang Gung Med J 29 (4 Suppl): 6-12.
Hou JW (2006): Atlantoaxial subluxation with recurrent consciousness disturbance in a boy of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. Acta Paediatr 95:1500-1504. (SCI)
Chen RL, Hou JW, Chang PY, et al. (2007): Matched unrelated bone marrow transplantation without splenectomy for a child with Gaucher disease caused by homozygosity of the L444P mutation, who also suffered from schizencephaly. J Pediatr Hematolo/Oncol 29(1): 57-59. (SCI)
Sato D, Shimokawa O, Harada N, Olsen OE, Hou JW, et al. (2007): Congenital arhinia: Molecular-genetic analysis of five patients. Am J Med Genet 143A(6):546-552. (SCI)
侯家瑋(2007):生長激素於兒科疾病治療之新應用。台北市醫師公會會刊 (Journal of Taipei Medical Association)。51(6):42-46.(中文)
Hsu HF, Hou JW (2007): Variable expressivity in Patau syndrome in not all related to trisomy 13 mosaicism. Am J Med Genet (Corresponding author) 143A(15):1739-1748. (SCI)
Huang JJ, Hou JW, TanYC, Chen KT, Lo LJ, Chen YR (2007): Van der Woude syndrome: Clinical presentation in 64 patients. Cleft Plate-Craniofac J 44(6): 649-652. (SCI)
Shaw SW, Chen CP, Cheng PJ, Wang TH, Hou JW, Lin CT, Chang SD, Hwa HL, Lin JL, Chao AS, Soong YK, Hsieh FJ (2008): Gene dosage change of TPTE and BAGE2 and breakpoint analysis in Robertsonian Down syndrome. J Hum Genet 53(2):136-43. (SCI)
Hou JW (2008): Rapidly Progressive scoliosis after successful treatment for osteopenia in Costello syndrome. Am J Med Genet 146A(3):393-396.
Jaing TH, Hsia SH, Chiu CH, Hou JW, Wang CJ, Chow R (2008). Successful unrelated cord blood transplantation in a girl with malignant infantile osteopetrosis. Chin Med J (Engl). 121(13):1245-6. (SCI)
Chiang MC, Huang SF, Hsueh C, Lai MW, Hou JW (2008): Restrictive dermopathy: report of one case and the metabolic and post-mortem findings. Turk J Pediatr 50:492-4. (Corresponding author)
Fang CY, Lee CH, Wu CC, Chang YT, Yu SL, Chou SP, Huang PT, Chen CL, Hou JW, Chen JY (2009). Recurrent chemical reactivation of EBV promotes genome instability and enhances tumor progression of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. Int J Cancer 124:2016-25. (SCI)
Hou JW (2009): Changing demography and variable expressivity in autosomal trisomy syndrome. Pediatr Neonatol 50(4):133-134. (SCI)
Hou JW (2009): Amelioation of hypophosphatemic rickets and osteoporosis with pamidronate and growth hormone in Lowe syndrome. J Formos Med Assoc 108(9) :730-735. (SCI)
Chen CM, Chen CL, Hou JW, et a; (2010): Developemental profiles and mentality in preschool children with Prader-Willi syndrome: a preliminary study. Chang Gung Med J 33(4):436-442
Feng WK, Hung KL, Hou JW (2010): Clinical analysis of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) syndrome. Fu-Jen J Med 8(2) :115-122. (SCI)
Tsai MH, Hou JW, Yang CP, et al (2011): Transient myeloproliferative disorder and GATA1mutation in neonates with without Down syndrome. Indian J Pediatr 78(7)826-832. (SCI)
Hannibal MC, Buckingham KJ, Ng SB, Ming JE, Hou JW, et al (2011): Spectrum of MLL2 (ALR) mutations in 110 cases of Kabuki syndrome. Am j Med Genet A: 155A(7): 1511-1515. (SCI)
Lu Cs, Wu SC, Hou JW, et al (2013):Restrictive dermopatht: report of two siblings. Pediatr Neonatol 54:198-201. (SCI)
Weng CY, Hsu YH, Hou JW, Chu SY (2013): Clinical encounter with Costello syndrome. Tzu Chi Med J 25:61-63.
Hou JW, Hwang TL. (2014) Different gene preferences of maple syrup urine disease in the aboriginal tribes of Taiwan. Pediatr Neonatol 55:213-217. (SCI)
Hou JW (2014): Maple syrup urine disease complicated with kyphoscoliosis and myelopathy. Pediatr Neonatol 2014 Jan 29. pii: S1875-9572(13)00235-0. doi:10.1016/j.pedneo.2013.10.013.(SCI)
Chen CJ, Hou JW, Chiang BL. (2014) The difference in immune response and IL:-12p35 methylation between newborns and adults. J Biomed Sci. 2014;21(1):76.doi: 10.1186/s12929-014-0076-0. (SCI)
Chand CH, Tsai MS, Lin CL, Hou JW, et al (2014) The Association between nonylphenols and sexual hormones levels among pregnant women: A cohort study in Taiwan. PLoS One . 2014;9(8):e1104245. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0104245. eCollection 2014. (SCI)
Hou JW (2014) A shared founder mutation underlies lethal restrictive dermopathy in the Austronesian aboriginal Atayal tribe of Twiawn. J Formos Med Assoc.2014 Sep 23. pii: S0929-6646(14)00241-1.doi:10.1016/jfma.2014.08.007.(SCI)
Hou JW (2015). Zinc deficiency and failure to thrive. Fu-Jen J Med (in press)
Hou JW, Wu MH, Lue HC (1990): Left ventricular function in beta-thalassemia major by echocardiography. 5th International Symposium of the International College of Pediatrics, April 1-5, 1990. Taipei, Taiwan.
Hou JW, Wang TR, Tsai MH (1990): Study of the gene locus of human ornithine transcarbamylase by restriction fragment length polymorphism in normal Chinese. 5th International Symposium of the International College of Pediatrics, April 1-5, 1990, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lin SJ, Hu SC, Hsu SF, Hou JW, Chio PC, Chao MC, Wang TR (1990): Growth study in Chinese children with Down syndrome in Taiwan: 1 month to 18 years of age. 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, October 16-20, 1990, Cincinnati, USA.
Hyland KM, Wydner KL, Hou JW (1991): Use of in situ hybridization in determining the origin of a fragment in a Turner mosaic. 8th International Congress of Human genetics, October 6-11, 1991, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
Wang TR, Hwu WL, Hou JW (1992): Current status of detecting fragile-X syndrome using molecular biology techniques at the National Taiwan University Hospital. In: 1992 San Diego Conference on Nucleic acids: Genetic Recognition.
Hou JW (2001): Clinical and genetic criteria in Taiwan. 2nd Organizational Meeting for International Genetic Epidemiology of Oral Clefts, April 9&10, 2001, Singapore. (Invited Speaker)
Hou JW (2001): Neonatal progeroid disorders: more than one disease. 10th International Congress of Human Genetics, May 14-19, 2001, Vienna, Austria. Hou JW, Lee TH (2002): Genetic factors in young patients with stroke in Taiwan. American Society of Human Genetics, 52nd Annual Meeting, Oct 15-19, 2002, Baltimore, USA. [Am J Hum Genet 71 (suppl): 475.]
Wang SM, Hou JW, Lin J (2002): Treatment experience of neonatal hyperammonemia. American Society of Human Genetics, 52nd Annual Meeting, Oct 15-19, 2002, Baltimore, USA. [Am J Hum Genet 71 (suppl): 412.]
Lin J, Wang S, Hou JW (2002): Evaluating clinical efficacy and safety of palmidronate in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta. American Society of Human Genetics, 52nd Annual Meeting, Oct 15-19, 2002, Baltimore, USA. [Am J Hum Genet 71 (suppl): 255.]
Hou JW (2003): No evidence of HESX1 mutation in five cases of septo-optic dysplasia with variable phenotype, including metabolic cardiomyopathy and further brain anomalies. European Human Genetics Conference 2003, May 3-6 Birmingham, England.
Hou JW (2003): Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome: clinical and molecular cytogenetic studies in Taiwan. American Society of Human Genetics, 53rd Annual Meeting, Nov. 14-8, 2003, Los Angeles, USA. [Am J Hum Genet 73 (suppl): 273.]
Hou JW (2004): Growth hormone deficiency associated with chronic diseases. 15th Symposium on Growth Hormone and Endocrinology, Apr. 1-3, 2004, Malta.
Hou JW (2004): Issues and management of GHD in Taiwan. North Asia Paediatric Endocrinology Workshop, July 10-11, Guilin, China. (Invited Speaker)
Hou JW (2004): Effects of coenzyme Q10 and growth hormone on psychomotor in children with Prader-Willi syndrome. The 3rd Biennial Scientific Meeting Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society, Sept 24-26, Kobe, Japan
Hou JW (2004): American Society of Human Genetics, 54th Annual Meeting, Dec. 26-30, 2004, Toronto, Canada. [Am J Hum Genet 74 (suppl):]
Hou JW (2005): Long-term follow-up of patients with Kabuki syndrome in Taiwan. European Human Genetics Conference, May 7-10, 2005, Prague, Czech Republic.
Hou JW (2006): Clinical Approach to Carnitine Deficiency Disorders. 4th International Huaxia Congress of Endocrinology, Dec 15-18, 2006, Hong Kong. (Invited Speaker)
Hou JW (2007): MPS diseases. 10th Annual Asia LSD Symposium, Dec 9-12, 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Invited Speaker)
Tato L, Chatelain P, Duk-Hee K, Bashnina E, Sultanoval L, Hou JW, Olivier C, Saunders H, Clayton P, and the PREDICT investigators (2008): Baseline auxological and biochemical characteristics of prepubertal growth hormone deficient (GHD) versus Turner syndrome (TS) children in the PREDICT study. The Endocrine Society’s 90th Annual Meeting, June 15-18, 2008 San Francisco, U.S.A.
Hou JW (2010): Maple syrup urine disease and infantile epilepsy. International Symposium on Epilepsy in Neurometabolic Diseases. The 13th Annual Meeting of Infantile Society. Mar 26-28, Taipei, Taiwan (Invited Speaker)
Feng WK, Hung KL, Hou JW (2010): Epilesies in MELAS syndrome. International Symposium on Epilepsy in Neurometabolic Diseases. The 13th Annual Meeting of Infantile Society. Mar 26-28, Taipei
Hou JW (2010): Identification and carrier-frequency detection of maple syrup urine disease in the aboriginal tribes of north Taiwan: different gene preference from those in south ones. The 6th Congress of Asian Society for Pediaric Research.Apr 15-18, Taipei
Hou JW (2011): Familial Variable Expression of Metabolic Abnormalities in Alsröm Syndrome: Revisit of Syndromic Obesity Diabetes. The 12th International Conferences of Human Genetics (American Society of Human Genetics, 61st Annual Meeting), Oct.11-15,2012, Montreal, Canada